Swipetor is a free and open-source videos swiping web app. You can build your own short videos sharing app.
More: www.swipetor.com
- Allow serving digital content on a web app, as good as the social media apps.
- Provide a free and open-source video swipe feed solution running on web to distinguish independent digital content from the influx of mediocre and AI-generated content on social media and from social broadcasting.
- Mobile-optimised full page video swiping
- Video clip generation from full videos
- Video importing from many sources
- Push notifications (including iPhones and Androids)
- Multi-videos posts
- Private messaging, including group messaging
- Homescreen app icon for Android and iOS along web support
- Comments on videos
- Notifications for new comments and other interactions
The software is provided as is, no guarantees.
Follow the installation guide to setup your own instance on your laptop or server.
Please contribute back to the projects to provide a reliable high quality video sharing platform that works on the distributed web.
- AGPL-3.0 License
- This license allows commercial use, but you must share modifications made for software distributed over the internet. Contributions via PRs are welcome!
- Please contact at www.swipetor.com