- Mumbai
- 5h30m ahead - in/swapnil-bamble-1439951ab
- https://www.hackerrank.com/profile/swapnilbamble4
This repository contains a Power BI dashboard project for analyzing real-time sales data in a dynamic computer hardware market.
Just a normal Power Bi Report that analyzes sales data, by focusing on customer, city, country, profit, and sales.
This repository includes an in-depth analysis of Atliq's business performance, focusing on key metrics such as sales, transactions, gross margin, net sales, and profit.
This repository include analysis of Credit Card business performance, focusing on key metrics such as sales, transactions, profit etc.
Java Springboot Application - BlogAppApis, It is a full backend application where user can create, update, delete, view blog and also upload and view image
This is the project containing configuration of microservice project
HackerRank solutions in Java/JS/Python/C++/C#
Java J2EE Application - VotingApplication, User can vote the candidate, and Admin has the permission to see the vote details
Java SpringBoot Application - VotingApp, User can vote the Candidate, and Admin has the permission to see the vote details
React Application - BlogAppApis. It is frontend part of BlogAppApis App. It is built using React
Angular Application - ExamPortal. It is frontend part of ExamPortal App. It is built using Angular
Springboot - Springboot Applications with Spring Security and JWT Authentication
Springboot - Springboot Applications, Spring Security
Springboot - Getting Started with Basics and CRUD
Spring - Spring Core, Spring JDBC, Spring Hibernate, Spring MVC
Advance Java - JDBC, Servlet, JSP, J2EE
Core Java - OOPS, Arrays, String, Collection Framework, Exception Handling, Multithreading, DSA
This project is created using Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot MVC, SQLLite3 as DB, Thymeleaf engine at Frontend along with HTML, CSS3 and BootStrap V4.5
This page loads a random picture on each refresh. Below the picture there is a text box in which you can write your thoughts about the image. The textbox becomes green when you have written 100 wor…
This project is for all the Dog Lovers. This code will show you a different pictures of dog every time you click on the given button .
This is a project project created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript