Dokku is a Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash.
If you’re familiar with using git in the command line, you’ll have no trouble deploying your Harp app to Dokku.
You can install Dokku on your own by following the instructions here or another approach is using a DigitalOcean dropplet.
Requirements: git, node 0.10.x, npm 1.2.x
You'll need harp installed globally npm install -g harp
then you can initiate the project via harp init -b subhaze/hb-dokku <app-name-here>
. Harp will create a new directory based on your app's name with the files in this repository inside it. Now you can cd <app-name-here>
and run harp server
so get the project up and running locally.
You'll need to intiate a git repo via git init
then you'll need to add files for git to track git add .
and commit them git commit -am "init commit"
. Now you'll need to setup your remote repo to connect to your dokku setup which would be something like the following: git remote add dokku dokku@<your_domain>:<your_app_name>
. <your-app-name>
can really be anything you like, but, remember this will be the sub-domain used to serve your app.
Now all you have to do is start coding and commiting changes and when ready git push dokku master
and you've just deployed your harp app!