Strive is a web application designed to help small businesses manage employee data, schedules, attendance tracking, and onboarding files.
Before you begin, please ensure you have node.js and npm installed.
- Clone the repo.
- npm install the necessary devDependencies and dependencies.
- Create your own .env file. and fill in your own environmental variables.
Set up the server in development mode:
npm run dev
Generate your Prisma client for managing your database.
npm run prisma: generate
If the schema is appropriate for your project as is.
npm run prisma:migrate
If the schema is not a fit for your project's needs please be sure to edit the schema before migrating.
When deploying to production be sure to use the following:
npm run build
npm run deploy
- Clone the repo.
- npm install the necessary devDependencies and dependencies.
- Create your own .env file. and fill in your own environmental variables.
You can run the site locally using the following command. This starts up the Vite development server.
npm run dev
This project uses the following:
- React
- React Router DOM
- Axios
- Firebase
- Chart.js
- Day.js
This project uses the following:
- Vite
- Typescript
- EsLint
- Cypress
- Tailwind CSS
Team Strive is not currently accepting contributions to the project. However, feel free to get in contact if you are interested in the project or have questions for our team.