New improved Exporting, .NetCore 3.1, Bugfixes
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This release focused on greatly improving the exporting capabilities of GoNorth:
- Completly reworked Exporting using Scriban, offering a lot more flexibilitiy
Please note: The old legacy system is still supported to help you ease the transition to the new exporting system. You can convert your old templates to the new system step by step. I recommend to switch to the new system as it offers a lot more flexibility. I will probably drop the support for the old system in the future in order to clean up the code. You can find more details in the wiki - Autocomplete for export placeholders
- Upgraded to .Net Core 3.1 support
- Dropped nordic names in navigation to help new users navigate the application
- Bugfixes
Please note: Since I have upgrade GoNorth to use .Net Core 3.1 you will have to install .Net Core 3.1, if it is not already installed on your system.