(Beta Testing Ended 1st Master Version Released July 27th 2019)
How to use this non mysql database version with ease.
you have a file with every day ,month,year individually recorded , your data is yours and these files can be used in other programs like excel for example,these files can be edited if erroneous data appears .so no learning curve for understanding how mysql works or is setup , reap the benefit of meteobridge services ,no external cron jobs , no server setup of cron jobs just let meteobridge https://www.meteobridge.com/wiki/index.php/Home do it all.. https://www.meteobridge.com/wiki/index.php/Home meteobridge is a feature rich product that totally caters for the weather enthusiast.
setup storing todays data to a CSV file for today charts to read file is chartstoday.php
Goto meteobridge services screen
Goto Select new service
Select from the drop down menu HTTP Request
Select Perodical in the next menu
Click Save at the bottom of the screen
Now look for new HTTP request
select every FULL 10 MINUTES
- now click save .
setup storing monthly yearly data to a CSV file for monthly/year charts to read file is charts-month-year.php
Goto meteobridge services screen
Goto Select new service
Select from the drop down menu HTTP Request
Select Specific Time in the next menu
Click Save at the bottom of the screen
Now look for new HTTP request
select 23:45 (its the nearest the meteobridge will allow you get to the end of the day)
- now click save .
setting the stationcron.php to run every 30 minutes (this collects the forecast,earthquake,air quality data etc
Goto meteobridge services screen
Goto Select new service
Select from the drop down menu HTTP Request
Select periodically in the next menu
Click Save at the bottom of the screen
Now look for new HTTP request
select 30 minutes
- now click save .
thats it !!! no mysql to setup just these three files will do all the work .screenshots below
behind the code ....
simple logic pull data from livedata.php and generate a required values. utilizes meteobridge software ability to pull data in many ways. i.e max wind last 10 minutes , rainfall amount last 10 minutes , average windpeed last 10 minutes and so on ....
short example of daily genrated file adds new line every 10 minutes id,time,temp,barometer,rainfall,maxwind_last10,avgwind_last10,dewpoint,rainfall_last10min,avgdirection_last10min,date,humidity,indoortemp,indoorhumidity,uv,solar,lightning1,lightning2....
0,19:40,28.2,1013.6,0.0,8.0,4.5,15.5,0.0,36.0,24 Jun,46.0,27.6,38,0.2,38.0,3,2
0,19:50,27.9,1013.6,0.0,7.6,4.3,15.9,0.0,42.0,24 Jun,48.0,27.5,38,0.2,33.0,0,0
0,20:00,27.8,1013.6,0.0,8.0,4.4,16.1,0.0,39.0,24 Jun,49.0,27.4,39,0.1,27.0,1,4
*The aim is to create the cleanest and most friendly approach to displaying your personal weather data for your personal use and reap the full potential of meteobridge nanosd and meteobridge pro.
*This template is primed for use with meteobridge NANOSD AND DAVIS hardware unfortunately the smaller TP-LINK is not fully compatible due to the requirement of being able to retrieve historical values realtime .
*This work is for use only it is for meteobridge NANOSD.
*This work is not to be used without prior permission other versions , please clearly outline on how you want to use this work.
*This work requires credits to be left intact where work is used ,it has no legal binding warrant but it is ethical to create a working enviroment to exchange ideas without creating unwanted noise, the community is smaller than you may think..
*This work means CSS/SVG/PHP .
Lars at https://singaporeweather.info for access to test ideas realtime in a different climate.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
*This work means CSS/SVG/PHP .