- Thüringen / thuringia
(UTC +01:00) - https://edupad.ch/p/r.dce12f8d0714a1b8e96247a64af1ede1
- @[email protected]
edu scratch logo et al ig
Graphical User Interface for creating and running Scratch 3.0 projects.
Programming language that targets the Nintendo Entertainment System
👶 An awesome list for those who are brave enough to share their first programming projects ever. No shame allowed here!
WeBeeNar free webinars for everyone! Built in Svelte levering meet.jit.si external API https://webeen.ar
Scheme of work for teaching computing concepts using music programming application Sonic Pi
The game consists of a spaceship and some rows of aliens. The spaceship moves left to right based on user input and can fire bullets at the aliens. The aliens move in a fixed pattern and fire bulle…
Moodle - the world's open source learning platform
Motion detection using OpenCV - This is a simple Python script for a action cam that records the birds arriving at a feeding station on my balcony. The script is like a security cam that records vi…
Basic analysis and data visualizations from Cornell's eBird database
This project is intended to compile a comprehensive collection of projects around scientific topics with a special focus on openscience, openaccess, opendata, citizen science and many similar proje…
Mini-workshop and introduction into the world of scraping/scrapism