- PHPthe 7.2 (only tested in 7.2, according to the symfony docs PHP 7.1.3 is the minimum)
- MySQL Server (SQLite or Postgres may work, but not testet. You may need to run
php bin/console make:migration
before installing) - Apache / Nginx server. (For additional config please read the symfony docs)
To clone the code and install al the dependencies run:
git clone https://github.com/frommMoritz/notenmanager
composer install
Now you basicaly need to go to the .env
(created while composer install) and provide at least a mysql server. You also can add an mailsever (at the moment only used when a admin resets users password).
Now you can run:
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
To update simply run:
git pull;
composer install;
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate --no-interaction;
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod;
If you encounter any bugs, feel free to open a issue.