Hashicorp Vault based store for the Ethereum 2 wallet.
is a standard Go module which can be installed with:
go get github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet-store-vault
In normal operation this module should not be used directly. Instead, it should be configured to be used as part of go-eth2-wallet.
The Vault store has the following options:
: the Vault address in which the wallet is to be stored. Exemple: http://localhost:8200 for local vaultid
: an ID that is used to differentiate multiple stores created by the same account. If this is not configured an empty ID is usedvault_auth
: Vault authentication type. Values:token
: Vault token to use for requesting vault (Mandatory ifvault_auth
: Name of the kubernetes auth role to use (Mandatory ifvault_auth
: Local path to access to the kubernetes service account token. Default:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
: Kubernetes auth module path. Default:kubernetes
: KVv2 secrets module path (Mandatory)passphrase
: a key used to encrypt all data written to the store. If this is not configured data is written to the store unencrypted (although wallet- and account-specific private information may be protected by their own passphrases)
When initiating a connection to Amazon S3 the Amazon credentials are required. Details on how to make the credentials available to the store are available at the Amazon S3 documentation
package main
import (
e2wallet "github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet"
vault "github.com/stake-capital/go-eth2-wallet-store-vault"
func main() {
// Set up and use an encrypted store
store, err := vault.New(vault.WithPassphrase([]byte("my secret")))
if err != nil {
// Set up and use an encrypted store in the central Canada region
store, err = vault.New(vault.WithPassphrase([]byte("my secret")), vault.WithRegion("ca-central-1"))
if err != nil {
// Set up and use an encrypted store with a custom ID
store, err = vault.New(vault.WithPassphrase([]byte("my secret")), vault.WithID([]byte("store 2")))
if err != nil {
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