This is the initial public release where the printed files have been verified to be fully printable, and mountable to the Afterburner system. The extruder is currently on a VORON 2.4 for longevity testing. Temperature testing may need to be future studied to ensure the printed ABS parts are up to spec to be directly surrounding the LDO motor. This doesn't seem to be an issue if the motor is kept under 60c which is within spec of the orbiter 1.5 temp specs for ABS. Currently there is no IGUS chain mount since I've never used one and have only used the generic three hole version which is available in both the VORON 2.4 and the Switchwire versions. Additional testing may need to confirm the chain anchor works on the 1.8 and Trident. If a request is made for the IGUS version, it should be a minor update but will require testing before publicly publishing. There haven't been any issues with chain clearance yet, but once it gets more use and installed on other printers it should be clear if there are any issues.
Additionally, the most interesting function is the filament quick release lever which appears to be working well without any issues. There are some potential concerns with not using a heat-set-insert to secure it to the chain anchor; however, these may be mitigated with more and more use to determine if this is even a long term concern.