- Install docker on your PC's if you want to participate
- The following image is available on Docker hub:
- docker run imega/jq
- How to make a JQ query with the image:
- cat 'file name' | docker run --rm -i imega/jq .
** USE JQ with Python try the following module
Example 1: Question:
- Get all firstnames JQ Query:
cat 1_simple.json | jq ".[].firstname"
Container Query:
cat 1_simple.json | docker run --rm -i imega/jq .
Example 2: Question:
- Get all firstname and age elements and insert output into a list JQ Query:
cat 1_simple.json | jq "[.[].age]"
Container Query:
cat 1_simple.json | docker run --rm -i imega/jq .
Example 3: Question:
- Get all firstname and age elements inserting the output into a dictionary with (key: value) JQ Query:
cat 1_simple.json | jq ".[]| {(.firstname): (.age)}"
Container Query:
cat 1_simple.json | docker run --rm -i imega/jq '.[]| {(.firstname): (.age)}'
Example 4: Question:
- Get all genres with funky music type JQ Query:
cat 2_select_example.json | jq '.[] | select(.genre | . and contains("funky"))'
Example 5: Question:
- Can I do arithmetic operations with JQ? JQ Query:
echo "[1,2,3]" | jq '.[] + 2'
- Get several Albums
Example 7: Question:
- How many albums are in the dataset? JQ Query:
cat 3_album.json | jq '.albums | length'
Example 8: Question:
- What are the names of the albums in the dataset? JQ Query:
cat 3_album.json | jq '.albums[].name'
Example 9: Question:
- Get the names of the songs on the first album
- Get number of artists on the album
- Get information (name, release date, popularity, total_tracks and album name) from the first album
- Do it for all albums in the dataset
- Get information from '3' and create new JSON with result
- Throw in the track names into the dictionary
** Do '5' in the docker container:
JQ Query:
1. cat 3_album.json | jq '.albums[0].tracks.items[].name'
2. cat 3_album.json | jq '.albums[0].artists[] | length'
3. cat 3_album.json | jq '[.[][] | .name, .release_date, .popularity, .total_tracks]'
3b. cat 3_album.json | jq '[.albums[].release_date, .albums[].popularity, .albums[].total_tracks, .albums[].name]
4. cat 3_album.json | jq '[.[][] | {"name": .name, "release": .release_date, "popularity": .popularity, "tracks": .total_tracks}]'
5. cat 3_album.json | jq '[.[][] | {"name": .name, "release": .release_date, "popularity": .popularity, "tracks": .total_tracks, "track_names": [.tracks.items[] | (.name)]}]'
cat 3_album.json | docker run --rm -i imega/jq '[.[][] | {"name": .name, "release": .release_date, "popularity": .popularity, "tracks": .total_tracks, "track_names": [.tracks.items[] | (.name)]}]'