Takes a CSV file and puts the numeric values tagged in a running OpenTSDB instance.
npm install
Example: node main.js -v --tags guid=foo_guid -d ',' bar.csv
-h, --help Display this message.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose Logging
--file string Can also be provided as the last argument without a parameter name. The
parameter is interpreted as source CSV file path.
-t, --tsColumn string The name of the column in the source file that holds the time. Default:
-d, --delimiter string The String the delimits two columns. Default: ';'
-u, --opentsdb-url string The full URL to the OpenTSDB instance. Default: ''
--tags string[] A List of a tags to be added to each metric. Format Example: 'guid=asdf-123
Imports are done via socket connect. So the writes are asynchronous and success messages can arrive after the csv is parsed and send completely.
To create a full running local setup setup use this repo
node main.js --tags some_csv_wide_tag=some_csv_wide_tag_value -d ',' example.csv