Simple node script to spin up an EC2 instance, configure OpenVPN, and retrieve the client credentials.
An EC2 account of your very own
An EC2 image of an OpenVPN install (script expects Access Server 1.8.4; details outside the scope of this project)
NodeJS 0.10.x (I have it installed via the official package; YMMV)
PhantomJS 1.9.x (I have it installed via homebrew; YMMV)
CasperJS 1.0.x (I have it installed via homebrew; YMMV)
Various npm modules (see package.json)
A lil' config file (default location is '~/'):
{ "key": "[Your EC2 key]" , "secret": "[Your EC2 secret]" , "endpoint": "[EC2 endpoint] Example: us-east-1" , "imageId": "[EC2 image to start] Example: ami-abcdef01" , "keyName": "[EC2 keyset to use]" , "securityGroup": "[EC2 security group to use]" , "openvpnUser": "[username of OpenVPN instance]" , "openvpnPass": "[password of OpenVPN instance]" }
- Set up the config file. The default location is '~/'. It's just a bit of JSON - see above.
- npm install
- node app.js
- Import the downloaded .ovpn file in your OpenVPN client of choice (Tunnelblick is my current favorite.)
- Enjoy pretending that your network traffic is safe from prying eyes!
- I want to switch this over to Spooky so it doesn't have to call Casper directly.
- I have notes on how to set up the OpenVPN instance. Might blog/publish/whatever them someday.
- One might scoff at all those credentials lying out on your disk.
- Automate the import and connection via Tunnelblick.
MIT license, do whatever you want, pull requests welcome, no warranties expressed or implied, have fun.