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pip install aptrajectories
For usage, see the example Notebook notebook.
Consider a perfect conductor isolated in space brought to electric potential
When the point P is displaced infinitesimally displace along the unit surface normal
The surface electric field at point P is given by definition:
The theory of electrostatics directly relates this field for the conductors to their charge surface density.
Combining the above two equations gives:
The above integral equation called Robin's equation, connects the surface density of charges at a point on the surface to the distribution of the charge density on the rest of the surface of the conductor. It is possible to solve iteratively by introducing a series of functions
We consider surface as a series of fractional point charges ${q_{i}}{i=1,2,...,N}$ placed on each surface atom over a small surface $s{at}$ .
The electrostatic equilibrium of the conductor can then be described by a local Robin equation as given in equation (1):
For a point M infinitesimally close to point i, but inside the conductor. The field generated is given by the right-hand side of the above equation pointing outward, whereas the field induced by the atom i points inward, thereby canceling each other out.
Now a sequence of charges is introdued
$$\vec{n_{i}} = -\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{P}\delta {j} \vec{r{ji}}}{|\sum_{j=1}^{P}\delta {j} \vec{r{ji}}|}$$
[1] Rolland, N., Vurpillot, F., Duguay, S., & Blavette, D. (2015). A Meshless Algorithm to Model Field Evaporation in Atom Probe Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21(6).