This is an EDA performed on the dataset Pisa Scores 2013-2015.csv.
The EDA Performed with code can be found here
PISA stands for "Program for International Student Assessment" and it is applied to 15 year-old students across the world to assess their performance in Math, Reading and Science. Here, I have tried to analyze and explore the dataset and resultantly infer some meaningful insights from it.
The libraries I used in this process are:
- tidyverse cleaning of the datase and performing some transitions.
- ggplot2 for plotting.
- corrplot for the correlation plot.
- Hmisc for cor and rcorr functions to find correlation and finding the P-values.
- ggmap for retrieving map tiles from online servies.
Data Loading.
Data Pre-processing.
Made with ❤️ by Shikhar .