If you have a dependency tree, and you'd like to know in which order to initialize each node, this library is for you.
In CLI, execute
npm i dependency-tree-resolver --save-dev
and then
var DepResolver = require('dependency-tree-resolver');
Get a local copy of dep-res.js, or consume it via RawGit's CDN, and add to your HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="dep-res.js"></script>
and then you'll have DepResolver
on the window
Once you include the script in your project you'll have a function DepResolver
which accepts two arguments:
tree = {
string: [...string],
options = {
exclude: [...string]
: each key in the map represents a node in the tree, and each value in the array represents a single dependency of that node.options
: allows you to specify which dependencies are special and allowed to not have a node for themselves (usefull when depending on external resources)
//valid tree
var tree = {a: [], b: ['c', 'd'], c: ['d'], d: ['a']};
var resolved = DepResolver(tree);
console.log(resolved);//['a','d','c','b' ]
//invalid tree w/ excluded external resource
var tree = {a: ['b'], b: ['d']};
var options = {exclude: ['d']};
var resolved = DepResolver(tree, options);
//invalid tree w/o excluded external resource
var tree = {a: ['b'], b: ['d']};
var resolved = DepResolver(tree);//throw error: "b" has an unknown dependency "d"
//invalid tree with cyclic dependency
var tree = {a: ['b'], b: ['c'], c: ['a'], d: ['e'], e: ['d']};
var resolved = DepResolver(tree);//throw error: circular dependency found: a > b > c > a
This library is provided under the MIT license.