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3 13 13 Meeting Minutes

se-SteveThePirate edited this page Mar 14, 2013 · 3 revisions

Ok, here are the things that were decided at the team meeting. Which consisted of Steve and David.

-We are mostly scrapping the idea of ingredient quantities. This will simplify a few things: first, we will not need an update screen from the pantry, just add and delete. The second reason was deleted. Get over it. Third: no fighting with unit measurements in the amounts. Fourth: when searching recipes by ingredient, it saves us the hassle of making sure we have ENOUGH of the given ingredient. Quantities will instead be implemented as strings, and only used for outputting in the view recipe page.

Motion passed, as supported by all in attendance.

-Please see attached pictures for updated layout ideas.

-FOR OUR SAVED RECIPE LIST PAGE: Main screen is going to be a list view displaying recipe names. Recipes can be deleted by swiping them left (or was it right?) off the screen (as in Android email apps). Recipes can also be selected by tapping them, which will automatically take you to the recipe screen. There is a Download More button at the bottom which goes to our recipe search engine. There is also an add new recipe button which will allow manual input of a recipe, through a screen that is basically the same as our edit recipe screen. The only difference is that editing an existing recipe will not allow you to change the author name.

-On recipe page: Displays all data on the recipe in a scrollable view. Has an edit button on the bottom that will enable editing text fields. Picture for a recipe will initially be occupied by a placeholder picture. Clicking on this placeholder will open our editPhoto (or whatever it is) page and allow pictures to be added. Also include a Share page in here somewhere.

Downloading more recipes: blank stares circulate around the room... -Need: keyword search - allows definition of search fields and keywords. -search by pantry ingredients (only returns recipes that you own 100% of the ingredients for)

Any searches will result in the display of a ListView containing results. Tapping any item in that listview will automatically save the recipe. Because we can.

STANDARD CONVENTION FOR NAMING VIEWS: activityName_descriptiveViewName -Failure to comply will result in a public flogging of not less than 7 and not more than 10 lashes, except in cases of creating multiple objects named Button, a sin which is punishable by death.

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