Error: buildah exited with code 1
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:5900a54e435b7e2e6d4761ed815fa256525dfbf38094e292bb49361906aa5dd2
Copying blob sha256:8b9107cf631914366712eba04e49f1cfae65b454148dc00f8bad729f4ae6e189
Copying blob sha256:5900a54e435b7e2e6d4761ed815fa256525dfbf38094e292bb49361906aa5dd2
Copying blob sha256:8b9107cf631914366712eba04e49f1cfae65b454148dc00f8bad729f4ae6e189
Copying config sha256:351c43ee8fdc87f3df837c3f7bee6a40576adda6548cf53fb6d2cbc0fa606c9a
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'baseos':
- Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated: dfa5ffd57355e78da61343ee795464b49b0a3e2b41a4af74aa22160bf548a80601422eda53232dab277d7aabc097dffd04037d9173a3e96e214d0063dd5fa79e(sha512) Expected: f3765f12125ff6f09532cd5e74a0ab0bf0b275aa28794c1171b11ed247ed46fe60a7869d2ddc4658e31ac155632b4def908fd473050e6f68c32322212b921f62(sha512)
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'baseos': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried
error building at STEP "RUN getent group valkey &> /dev/null || groupadd -r valkey &> /dev/null && usermod -l valkey -aG valkey -c 'Valkey Server' default &> /dev/null && INSTALL_PKGS="policycoreutils gettext bind valkey" && dnf install -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs $INSTALL_PKGS && rpm -V $INSTALL_PKGS && dnf -y clean all --enablerepo='*' && valkey-server --version | grep -qe "^Server v=$VALKEY_VERSION\." && echo "Found VERSION $VALKEY_VERSION" && mkdir -p $VALKEY_LIB/data && chown -R valkey:0 $VALKEY_LIB && mkdir -p $VALKEY_RUN && chown -R valkey:0 $VALKEY_RUN && chmod -R ug+rwX $VALKEY_RUN && [[ "$(id valkey)" == "uid=1001(valkey)"* ]]": error while running runtime: exit status 1
time="2024-10-16T02:21:05Z" level=error msg="exit status 1"