Header-only C++ implementation of the Bayesian Blocks argorithm. Plug and play!
#include "baeysian_blocks.hpp"
#include "baeysian_blocks_root.hpp" // if you want to rebin ROOT CERN histograms
int main() {
// "data" is a a std::vector containing the observed values
// [optional] "weights" can be used to specify the weight (how many times an observation occurs)
auto change_points = BayesianBlocks::blocks(data, /* optional */ weights);
// "change_points" is a std::vector
// "hist" is a ROOT TH1*
auto h_rebin = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(BayesianBlocks::rebin(hist));
// "h_rebin" is the rebinned histogram
return 0;
Check out the BayesianBlocks::blocks
and BayesianBlocks::rebin
signatures for a more advanced usage. Have a look at test/run_test.cc
Bayesian blocks algorithm reference: Scargle, J et al. (2012) [https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/764/2/167]
The bblocks
program rebins all the 1-dim histograms contained in a ROOT file.
$ cd cpp
$ PREFIX=<install-prefix> make install
$ bblocks --help
USAGE: bblocks [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help] [--p0 <val> (default 0.01)] file1 file2 ...
Julia language enthusiast? Checl out my Julia package: https://github.com/gipert/BayesianBlocks.jl