Prepare, standardize and merge molecule databases for virtual screening.
Open a new terminal and clone this repository
cd ~
git clone
PyRod is written in python 3.8 and uses molvs (>=0.1.1, is shipped with RDKit and Pandas), RDKit and Pandas which can be easily installed using conda:
conda create -n moldbprep -c conda-forge molvs python=3.8
echo 'alias moldbprep="python3 ~/moldbprep/"' >> ~/.bashrc
Activate conda environment.
source activate moldbprep
Run standardization of sample dbs.
moldbprep -i /home/david/moldbprep/moldbprep/data/db1.sdf,/home/david/moldbprep/moldbprep/data/db2.sdf,/home/david/moldbprep/moldbprep/data/db3.sdf -o /home/david/Documents/moldbprep -p 4
Activate conda environment.
source activate moldbprep
Install pytest
conda install pytest
Run tests
cd moldbprep
Copyright (c) 2020, David Schaller
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.1.