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Tentative set of tools and scripts for analysing spatial transcriptomic data with the resolve platform Nextflow pipeline which runs image segmentation with cellpose and then counts the transcripts in each cell. The pipeline uses four Python3 scripts for:

  • Filling in gaps left by tile registration.
  • Deduplicating transcripts.
  • Segmentation.
  • Cleaning up the segmentation mask (removing too small cells)
  • Making ImageJ and Seurat compatible ROIs
  • Expression assignment = counting the transcripts in each cell.

These scripts can be used independently or as part of the Nextflow pipeline provided.


The pipeline automatically fetches this singularity container

The definition files are provided here.


1) Nextflow pipeline

The pipeline can be run on the cpu or the gpu. The only affected process is the segmentation process (both cellpose and mesmer).

To run the pipeline in gpu mode add gpu to the -profile option of nextflow.

nextflow run main.f -c run.config -profile=gpu

1.1) Parameters

For an example see the provided example config file

Input/output Parameters:

  • params.input_path = Path to the resolve folder with the Panoramas to be processed.
  • params.output_path = Path for output.

Workflow Parameters:

  • params.fill_gaps = true Set to false to skip image gap filling.
  • params.deduplicate = true Set to false to skip transcript deduplication
  • params.do_zip = true Set to false to skip making ImageJ ROIs (faster)
  • params.segmentation_tool = "mesmer" or "cellpose" to select which tool to use for segmentation.

Deduplication Parameters:

  • params.tile_size = Tile size (distance between gridlines). Default (2144).
  • params.window_size = Window arround gridlines to search for duplicates. Default (30)
  • params.max_freq = Maximum transcript count to calculate X/Y shifts (better to discard very common genes). Default (400)
  • params.min_mode = Minumum occurances of ~XYZ_shift to consider it valid. Default(10)

cellpose Segmentation Parameters:

mesmer Segmentation Parameters:

  • params.maxima_threshold = Decrease for over segmentation. Default(0.075)
  • params.maxima_smooth = Smoothing radius for maxima. Default(0)
  • params.interior_threshold = Decrease to identify more cells. Default(0.2)
  • params.interior_smooth = Smoothing radius for cell detection. Default(2)
  • params.small_objects_threshold = Minimum object size. Default(15)
  • params.fill_holes_threshold = Max Size for hole filling. Default(15)
  • params.radius = Undocuented in Mesmer. Default(2)

1.2) Input

Folder with the panoramas to be processed. All panoramas are expected to have:

  • DAPI image named: Panorama_*_Channel3_R8_.tiff
  • Transcripts coordinates named: Panorama_*_results_withFP.txt

1.3) Output

In params.output_path:

  • sample_metadata.csv: .csv file with one row per sample and 3 columns: sample (sample name), dapi (path to the dapi image), counts (path to the transcript coordinates)
  • For each sample a folder: SAMPLE_NAME with:
    • SAMPLE_NAME-gridfilled.tiff = Image with the registration grid lines smoothed out.
    • SAMPLE_NAME-filtered_transcripts.txt = Transcripts with duplicates marked.
    • SAMPLE_NAME-cellpose-mask.tiff or SAMPLE_NAME-memser-mask.tiff = 16 bit segmentation mask (0 = background, N = pixels belonging to the Nth cell).
    • (optional) = ImageJ ROI file with the ROIs numbered according to the segmentation mask.
    • SAMPLE_NAME-cell_data.csv = Single cell data, numbered according to the semgentation mask.

1.4) Example

nextflow run -profile cluster,gpu -c test.config Breakdown:

  • -profile cluster,gpu = cluster is for running on a PBS based cluster (default is local execution). gpu if or using the gpu for cell segmentation (default is to use the cpu).
  • -c test.config = Use the parameters specified in the test.config file. ALternatively, parameters can be passed from the command line.

2) Scripts

Scripts used in the Nextflow pipeline, can also be run independently.

2.1) Gap Filling

python3.9 -u /MindaGap/ $dapi_path 3 > gapfilling_log.txt
mv *gridfilled.tif $sample_name-gridfilled.tiff                

It requires the following arguments:

  • $dapi_path = path to the image to fix
  • $sample_name = Sample name

The script:

  1. Runs MindaGap on the input image with a smoothing box size of 3.
  2. Renames the output image.

For more info on MindaGap see:

2.2) Deduplication

python3.8 -u /MindaGap/ $transcript_path $tile_size $window_size \
	$max_freq $min_mode > deduplication_log.txt
mv *_markedDups.txt $sample_name-filtered_transcripts.txt 2>&1                

It requires the following arguments:

  • $transcript_path = path to the transcripts to deduplicate
  • $tile_size_x = X tile size (distance between gridlines). Default (2144).
  • $tile_size_y = Y tile size (distance between gridlines). Default (2144).
  • $window_size = Window arround gridlines to search for duplicates. Default (30)
  • $max_freq = Maximum transcript count to calculate X/Y shifts (better to discard very common genes). Default (400)
  • $min_mode = Minumum occurances of ~XYZ_shift to consider it valid. Default(10)

The script:

  1. Runs on the input transcripts.
  2. Renames the output file with the filtered transcripts.

For more info on MindaGap see:

2.3) Segmentation

2.3.1) Cellpose Segmentation

This Cellpose segmentation script is mostly a wrapper around cellpose. It assumes the input is a single channel grayscale image with the nuclei. It requires the following positional arguments:

  • tiff_path = path to the image to segment
  • model_name = model to use for the segmentation
  • prob_thresh = probability threshold
  • cell_diameter = cell diameter for cellpose.
  • output_mask_file = path to the cell mask output

It also takes the following optional flag:

  • --gpu = Use the first available GPU.

The script:

  1. Run CLAHE on the input image.
  2. Segemnt with cellpose.
  3. Sets to 0 all pixels at the image border.


2.3.2) Mesmer Segmentation

This Mesmer segmentation script is mainly a wrapper around mesmer. It assumes the input is a single channel grayscale image with the nuclei. It requires the following positional arguments:

  • tiff_path = path to the image to segment
  • output_mask_file = path to the cell mask output

It accepts the following optional parameters:

  • maxima_threshold = Decrease for over segmentation. Default(0.075)
  • maxima_smooth = Smoothing radius for maxima. Default(0)
  • interior_threshold = Decrease to identify more cells. Default(0.2)
  • interior_smooth = Smoothing radius for cell detection. Default(2)
  • small_objects_threshold = Minimum object size. Default(15)
  • fill_holes_threshold = Max Size for hole filling. Default(15)
  • radius = Undocuented in Mesmer. Default(2)

Mesmer will run on the first available GPU if present, no need to specify additional parameters.

The script:

  1. Run CLAHE on the input image.
  2. Segemnt with mesmer.
  3. Sets to 0 all pixels at the image border.


2.4 Segmentation Mask Cleanup

Segmentation mask cleanup script

It requires the following positional arguments:

  • mask_path = path to the image to segment
  • diameter = cell diameter size filtering. Cells smaller than cell_diameter / 2 are discarded
  • output_mask_file = path to the cell mask output

The script prepares the cell mask for:

  • ROI generation
  • Expression assignment

The script:

  1. Sets to 0 all pixels at the image border.
  2. Remove cells smaller then cell_diameter / 2 pixels in diameter.

2.5) ROI Generation

ROI generation script

Generates a zip file with FiJi ROIs from a segmentation mask.

It requires the following positional arguments:

  • mask_path = Path to the segmentation mask.
  • output_roi_file = Path to the output zip file with the ROIs.

The script:

  1. Sets to 0 all pixels at the image boundaires.
  2. Generates an ROI for each cell.
  3. Saves the ROIs in a zip file.


2.6) Expression assignment

Expression assignment script Counts the transcripts in each cell from the segmentation mask. Equivalent to the Polylux counts unless:

  • Overlapping ROIs
  • Transcripts outside the border of the image or lying exactly on the ROI border (resolution is 1 pixel)

It requires the following positional arguments:

  • mask_file = Path to the input mask file.
  • transcript_file = Path to the input transcript file.
  • output_file = Path to the output single cell data file.


  • Removes all transcripts whose coordinates fall outside the size of the mask.


To Do:

  • Add option to filter by Z coordinate?
  • Add option to filter by transcript quality?
  • Add option to count transcripts from ROIs?


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