This is a very simple implementation of the HIBP's passwords API as an offline / local server.
It uses the downloadable password list to perform local searches.
Only Java 8 or later is required.
A git client makes the download and installation even easier, but it's not mandatory.
Download the passwords database. Specifically the SHA-1 ordered by hash. You can find direct link and torrent files on this page.
After downloading decompress and take note of the path to the txt file.
git clone
cd hibp-offline-server
gradlew run http://localhost:8080 path-to-txt-file
Alternatively you could build changing the last command with
gradlew installDist
Look into the build directory, you will find packages inside the distribution directory. You can also run the built version using this command:
build/install/hibp-offline-server/bin/hibp-offline-server http://localhost:8080 path-to-txt-file
After the server is running you can point a browser to the listening location for a simple password checking form. It works more or less like the online one.
You can also use the API, for example: http://localhost:8080/range/21DBC