[ND] Added runway markers with extended centerline
[ND] Fixed minor ND bugs: clipping and size of VOR R information and wind arrow, WXR returns in plan mode
[ND] Fixed when first switching to PLAN mode, map would be incorrectly centered until first press of STEP
[ND] Missed approach track now shows in dashed cyan as per 747-8, and changes to solid magenta upon triggering TO/GA
[ND] Holding patterns are now always rendered as an undashed line
[ND] Cosmetic updates to ND waypoint information
[ND] Visual improvements to PLAN mode, including a new mask that now surrounds the compass circle stopping the route being drawn all over the display
[ND] Redesigned Waypoint icon to be more accurate.
[ND] Fixed some clipping issues with ND border when viewing display popped out
[ND] Fixed bug causing duplicate UTC indications
[ECL] Added electronic checklist with all normal checklists, closed/open loop items, dynamic conditions
[FONTS] Added some misc special characters to EFIS font
[FONTS] Reworked EFIS font
[EICAS] Pressurization info now blanks out when blanking lower eicas
[EICAS] Added seatbelts memo
[EICAS] Added HEAT WINDOW L & R advisory messages
[EICAS] Normalised the flap position and commanded position indicator so that each setting is linearly spaced
[EICAS] Fixed Flap 1 position never reaching active "green" state. Flap 1 now properly indicates state of leading edge devices
[EICAS] Various visual adjustments
[ECL] ECL now uses new lowercase character set
[ECL] ECL now matches the default 747-8i Boeing spec, operator specific checklists such as "AFTER LANDING" have been removed
[FM] Fixed flap extension pause when passing each detent
[FM] Adjusted fuel flow
[FM] Added temporary fix for excessive ground effect and poor control response
[MODEL] Fixed some lights not dimming
[MODEL] Bank angle selector is now set to AUTO by default
[FMC] Improved LNAV turn tracking
[FMC] FMC now only accepts flaps 10 or 20 as valid takeoff settings
[FMC] Added optional support for syncing MSFS world map flight plan
[FMC] Fixed incorrect THR & THR REF indications in VNAV and FLCH
[FMC] Missed approach track no longer contributes to destination DTG in progress page
[FMC] Fixes throttle levers being able to be moved after transition from HOLD to THR REF on takeoff
[FMC] Added variable lead-in distance at start of direct leg to allow for turning onto new course without large overshoot
[FMC] Fixed bug causing VNAV CDU page to erroneously display MCP SPD mode in some instances
[FMC] Lower EICAS fuel unit now matches upper EICAS fuel unit
[FMC] Waypoints on the select desired wpt page are now sorted by proximity
[FMC] Fixed a bug where opening an ACARS message would lead to the ATC log page
[FMC] Spam-selecting a waypoint on the select desired wpt page no longer causes duplicate waypoints to be inserted
[FMC] Fixed ETA in the POS REPORT page
[FMC] Cruise level is now blank by default instead of defaulting to FL100
[FMC] Added AP debug page
[FMC] Fixed minor bugs in the POS REF page
[FMC] Fixed a bug causing FMC not to change into CRZ or DES modes due to wrong altimeter source
[FMC] Fixed a minor bug with unit conversions
[FMC] Added T/D indication in progress page
[AP] Fixed AT not activating when switched on if there was a mode change while it was disabled
[AP] FLCH now correctly opens the speed window in last FMC commanded speed if switching from VNAV
[AP] Fixed speed window not opening if V/S, ALT HOLD or FLCH selected from VNAV
[AP] Fixed FLCH not properly engaging if pushed when in either TO or GA modes
[AP] Fixed AT going into HOLD mode at 65kts even if TO/GA was not pushed for takeoff
[AP] Fixed cycling FD on ground causing AT to go into Takeoff thrust in some circumstances
[AP] V/S can now only be in whole increments of 100 feet
[AP] Fixed AP behaviour when engaging AP above 400' feet on takeoff.
[AP] FLCH now uses VNAV MCP SPD as initial target if selected while VNAV active and in speed intervention mode
[AP] FLCH now defaults to current IAS as initial target speed if no valid FMC speed available
[AP] Fixed an inconsistency with TO/GA logic depending on whether the keybind or the cockpit switch is used to trigger it
[AP] TO/GA no longer engages the AT in SPD mode
[AP] It is now possible to fly an ILS without selecting an approach
[AP] Once established on an ILS approach, it is no longer possible to select different AFDS modes, except for TO/GA
[AP] Fixed a bug which prevented arming the LOC when in HDG HOLD mode
[VNAV] Improved behaviour for FLCH, V/S and VNAV SPD
[VNAV] Much improved Altitude capture logic
[VNAV] New autothrottle from scratch integrated into NavModeSelector, all modes THR REF, THR, SPD, IDLE, HOLD modelled
[VNAV] Rewritten FMA backend and added FAC and G/P indications
[VNAV] Integrated basic VNAV descent path logic
[VNAV] Added T/D marker
[VNAV] Add RNAV approach capability through IAN
[VNAV] Heading bug automatically syncs to runway heading upon LOC capture
[VNAV] New FMC descent mode trigger logic
[VNAV] Early descent mode within 50nm of T/D modelled
[VNAV] Added VNAV path deviation indicator to ND
[VNAV] Cycling flight directors now correctly initialises TO/GA on ground and HDG HOLD & V/S in the air
[VNAV] Limit thrust settings used by A/T as a temp workaround for excessive climb and descent rates until flight model can be fixed
[VNAV] Add support for LOC, NDB and VOR approaches
[VNAV] Removed DES marker
[VNAV] Add automatic throttle IDLE at 25' on landing
[VNAV] Complete APPR mode button functions.
[VNAV] Complete TO/GA special pitch/speed mode logic and limit go around thrust.
[VNAV] Add navigation performance scales to PFD
[VNAV] Tune LNAV director to prevent current poor lateral tracking and overshooting.
[VNAV] Added Constraint delete function to Altitude Knob push button
[VNAV] VNAV button now correctly does nothing if pushed when airborne with VNAV already engaged
[PFD] V/S bug now disappears from VSI when capturing altitude
[PFD] Fixed attitude indicator displaying slightly wrong roll value
[PFD] Heading bug and dashed line no longer displays when IRS is not aligned
[MCP] Speed window now correctly always opens in IAS mode, never mach
[MCP] Fixed bug requiring MCP speed knob to be pushed twice to open in some instances
[MCP] Added new fonts for MCP displays
[MCP] Fixed IAS/MACH mode text alignment
[MCP] Fixed some MCP lights and vertical speed window behaviour
[SOUNDS] Added AP disconnect sound
[SOUNDS] Added Master Caution sound
[SOUNDS] Added C-Chord alert when approaching MCP altitude
[QOL] Added pause at T/D feature
[MISC] Hard-fork: the aircraft is now independent of the Asobo aircraft and can be selected in the menu
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