中文排版需求 Requirements for Chinese Text Layout
英文版 English(TBC), 中文版 Chinese。
本需求文档由W3C 国际化工作组与W3C HTML5中文兴趣组共同发布和审阅。
若对本文档有任何建议或反馈,欢迎通过GitHub提交issues或者pull request。同时也欢迎使用[email protected](订阅)与[email protected](订阅)进行关于本文档的中文讨论或[email protected](订阅)进行关于本文档的英文讨论。
This document is a colaboreration between the W3C Internationalization Working Group and the W3C HTML5 Chinese Interest Group.
Feedback about the content of this document can be submitted via issues or pull request in the GitHub repo. You are also welcome to send your comments to [email protected](subscribe) (for discussion in English), or [email protected](subscribe) and [email protected](subscribe) (for discussion in Chinese).