You can get it with: git clone git://
The components of this distro fall into five categories:
* Essentials: The components of MinGW itself. They are required in order to run GCC.
* Libraries: Useful C and C++ libraries.
* Utilities: Programs used by programmers.
* Utilities (Binary): More programs used by programmers.
* Ruyb env: I use it build my rails app.
binutils 2.20.1 Boost 1.44.0 coreutils 8.5* 7-Zip 4.65 gcc 4.5.1 freetype 2.4.2 diffutils 3.0 mingw-runtime 3.18 GLEW 1.5.5 grep 2.6.3 w32api 3.14 libbzip2 1.0.5 jpegtran 8b libjpeg 8b LAME 3.98.4 libogg 1.2.0 make 3.82 libpng 1.4.3 patch 2.6.1 libvorbis 1.3.1 pngcheck 2.3.0 SDL 1.2.14 pngcrush 1.7.12 SDL_mixer 1.2.11 pngrewrite 1.4.0 zlib 1.2.5 sed 4.2.1 tar 1.23 vorbis-tools 1.4.0 wget 1.12 openssh 5.4p1 vim 7.2.2 libopenssl 1.0.0-1 libminires 1.02 gzip 1.3.12 bzip2 1.0.5 Console 2.00b146 ruby 1.9.2 sqlite 3_7_2