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Pure Maps

Pure Maps is an application for Sailfish OS and Linux to display vector and raster maps, places, routes, and provide navigation instructions with a flexible selection of data and service providers.

Pure Maps is free software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), see the file COPYING for details. Pure Maps is a fork of WhoGo Maps that was made to continue its development.


To support multiple platforms, QML code is split into platform-specific and platform-independent parts. Platform-independent part is in qml folder with the platform-dependent code under qml/<platform-id>. To switch between platforms, one has to make a symbolic link from the corresponding qml/<platform-id> to qml/platform. This can be done by running

make platform-qtcontrols

for example. Current platforms are

  • platform.kirigami -> make target platform-kirigami
  • platform.qtcontrols -> make target platform-qtcontrols
  • platform.silica -> make target platform-silica

Within platform-independent code, platform is included allowing to access platform-specific implementations of page stack, file dialog, and other specific aspects. For this approach to work, API in the platform specific implementation has to be the same for all platforms.

To add new platform, add new directory under qml, new Makefile target to set it, and implement all the required QML items. Take a look under other platforms for examples.

For testing purposes you can just run qmlscene qml/pure-maps.qml, after setting the platform.


In addition to common dependencies for QML applications, the following are needed:

When developing with Kirigami using flatpak builder, dependencies will be pulled and installed in flatpak. See instructions regarding Kirigami below.


At present, Sailfish OS version is packaged as RPM and Linux version is packaged using Flatpak.

For packaging, please copy tools/ to tools/ and fill missing API keys for the services that you plan to use.

For installation on Sailfish, you can build the RPM package with command make rpm. You don't need an SDK to build the RPM, only basic tools: make, rpmbuild, gettext and qttools.

Flatpak specific instructions are available under packaging/flatpak.

User feedback

There are two main communication channels with the users: Github and a thread at TMO.

Please use Github issues to address specific problems and development requests. General discussion is expected either through corresponding issues opened by maintainer or TMO thread. Please note that users from all platforms are welcome at TMO, not only current Sailfish OS users.

Platform specific notes


Kirigami platform may require latest platform SDK available as flatpaks. See instructions at for local development. From these instructions, only SDK install is needed. After that, building and running can be performed by

make flatpak-build flatpak-run

If you wish to install development version for testing, you could use the following command instead (will build the package, bundle it, uninstall current version of Pure Maps, and install the freshly built one):

make flatpak-dev-install



Throughout QML and Python code, all the same type items (properties, signals, functions), are ordered alphabetically.

Its possible that some of the implemented code does not fully comply with the outlined order. Then it should be fixed eventually.


To simplify development, there are few simple rules regarding QML file organization. QML files are organized as follows (use the needed components):

import A
import B
import "."

import "js/util.js" as Util

Item {
    id: item
    // base class defined properties in alphabetic order
    prop_a: val_a
    prop_b: val_b
    // new properties in alphabetic order
    property         var  np_a: default_a
    default property bool np_b: default_b
    // readonly properties
    readonly property var images: QtObject {
        readonly property string pixel:         "pure-image-pixel"
        readonly property string poi:           "pure-image-poi"
        readonly property string poiBookmarked: "pure-image-poi-bookmarked"
    // signals
    signal mySignal

    // local unexported properties
    property bool _locked: false

    // behavior
    Behavior on bearing {
        RotationAnimation {
            direction: RotationAnimation.Shortest
            duration: map.ready ? 500 : 0
            easing.type: Easing.Linear
    // new sub-items following the same principles
    Item {
        id: subitem
    // connections
    Connections {

    // signal handlers
    Component.onCompleted: init()
    onActivated: doSomething()
    // functions 
    function a() {
        return 10;