A collection of datasets, papers, directions, and other resources for IMU-based mobile and ubiquitous sensing.
Main sensing tasks
- Human activity recognition (HAR) / human activity sensing
- Gesture recognition
- Gait recognition
- Localization and navigation
- User identification
Main applications
- Sport monitoring
- Healthcare
- VR gaming
- Safety and security
- Smart manufacturing
- Embodied AI
Popular venues
- IMWUT/Ubicomp, Sensys, Mobicom, PerCom
[IMWUT 2024] WEAR: An Outdoor Sports Dataset for Wearable and Egocentric Activity Recognition
- video + IMU
- https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/mariusbock.github.io/wear/
- outdoor sports dataset
[2024] CAPTURE-24: A large dataset of wrist-worn activity tracker data collected in the wild for human activity recognition
- 2,562 hours of annotated data
- https://github.com/OxWearables/capture24
[2023] BOXRR-23: Unique Identification of 50,000+ Virtual Reality Users from Head & Hand Motion Data
- https://rdi.berkeley.edu/metaverse/boxrr-23/
- 4,717,215 motion capture recordings generated by 105,852 real users, 4.7 TB
- placements: head and hands
- designed for VR and metaverse, data collected from user playing "Beat Saber"
- high accuracy in user identification
[2023] Parkinson's Freezing of Gait Prediction
- Kaggle competition, 3 types of freezing of gait events: Start Hesitation, Turn, and Walking.
- Task: detect the start and end of each of these events
- labeled and unlabeled data; accelerometer + context data; 70.59GB data
[2022]Multimodal Data for the Detection of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease
- published at Scientific Data https://github.com/AccSrd/multimodal-Parkinson-data-processing
- 12 PD patients, 3 hours, 42 minutes
- multimodal data: (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), skin conductance (SC), and acceleration (ACC)
[2008]PhysioNet Gait of Parkinson's Disease Dataset
- 93 patients and 73 controls
- force sensors beneath the feet, 100HZ
[2016] RealWorld
- Downstairs, Upstairs, Lying, Sitting, Standing, Jumping, Walking, Running
- https://www.uni-mannheim.de/dws/research/projects/activity-recognition/dataset/dataset-realworld/
[2012] UCI dataset
- Acc and Gyro
- varying ages (19 to 48 years), genders, heights, and weights
[2012] WISDM dataset
- Acc only
- walking,jogging,upstairs,downstairs,sitting,standing
- https://www.cis.fordham.edu/wisdm/dataset.php
Dataset | User | # of Activity | # of Sample | Device | Placement | Sampling Rate | Time |
CAPTURE-24 | 151 | >200 | 2,562 hours | Bracelet | waist | 100Hz | 2024 |
ParkinsonGait | - | 3 | 70.59GB | Sensor | lower-back | 100,128Hz | 2023 |
MobiAct | - | 9 | - | - | - | 50~100Hz | 2017 |
RealWorld | - | 8 | - | - | - | 50Hz | 2016 |
WISDM | 36 | 6 | 1,098,207 | Smartphone | front leg pocket | 20Hz | 2012 |
UCI | 30 | 6 | 1,687 | Smartphone | waist | 50Hz | 2012 |
HHAR | 9 | 6 | 7,968 | Phone, watch | - | 50~200Hz | 2015 |
Shoaib | 10 | 7 | 7,500 | Smartphone | pockets, wrist, arm, belt | 50Hz | - |
Motion | 24 | 6 | 4,108 | Smartphone | front pocket | 50Hz | 2017 |
[IMWUT 2024] Self-supervised Learning for Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition: A Survey
- survey 52 self-supervised learning methods for HAR
[2024] Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition: A Survey
[2024] Machine Learning Techniques for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition with Data Heterogeneity - A Review
[2024] A Survey on Multimodal Wearable Sensor-based Human Action Recognition
[2024] A Survey of IMU Based Cross-Modal Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition
[IJCNN 2024] A Survey on Wearable Human Activity Recognition: Innovative Pipeline Development for Enhanced Research and Practice
[ICASSPW 2023] A Survey of Datasets, Applications, and Models for IMU Sensor Signals
[ACM Computing Survey 2022] A Survey of Privacy Vulnerabilities of Mobile Device Sensors
- wearable sensors, privacy concern
[IMWUT 2021] 11 Years with Wearables: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media, Academia, News Agencies, and Lead User Community from 2009-2020 on Wearable Technologie
- market analysis, wearable technology, sentiment analysis
[ACM computing survey 2014] A tutorial on human activity recognition using body-worn inertial sensors
[IMWUT 2024] CrossHAR: Generalizing Cross-dataset Human Activity Recognition via Hierarchical Self-Supervised Pretraining
- hierarchical pretraining
- cross-dataset HAR: training model only with source dataset, testing on target dataset
[2024] Comparing Self-Supervised Learning Techniques for Wearable Human Activity Recognition
[2024] HARMamba: Efficient Wearable Sensor Human Activity Recognition Based on Bidirectional Selective SSM
- Mamba-based HAR model
[Percom 2023] Investigating Enhancements to Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition
【IMWUT 2022】colloSSL: Collaborative Self-Supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition
- multi-device, contrastive learning
【IMWUT 2022】Assessing the State of Self-Supervised Human Activity Recognition Using Wearables
- benchmark study
[Sensys 2021] LIMU-BERT: Unleashing the Potential of Unlabeled Data for IMU Sensing Applications
【IMWUT 2021】Self-supervised Learning for Reading Activity Classification
【IMWUT 2021】Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition
【IMWUT 2021】SelfHAR: Improving Human Activity Recognition through Self-training with Unlabeled Data
【IMWUT 2019】Multi-task Self-Supervised Learning for human Activity Detection
【IMWUT 2019】Leveraging Active Learning and Conditional Mutual Information to Minimize Data Annotation in Human Activity Recognition
- few label 【IMWUT 2020】Weakly Supervised Multi-Task Representation Learning for Human Activity Analysis Using Wearables
[2024] HARGPT: Are LLMs Zero-Shot Human Activity Recognizers?
- prompt design; CoT
[IMWUT 2024] IMUGPT 2.0: Language-Based Cross Modality Transfer for Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition
[Ubicomp/ICWS 2023] IMUGPT: Generating Virtual On-body Accelerometer Data from Virtual Textual Descriptions for Human Activity Recognition
- https://github.com/ZikangLeng/IMUGPT/tree/main
- Ubicomp/ICWS
- text-->GPT-->3d motion-->IMU --> data augmentation --> HAR
[2023] On the Benefit of Generative Foundation Models for Human Activity Recognition
[NIPS 2024 Workshop on Time Series in the Age of Large Models] Introducing PRIMUS: A Novel Multimodal Approach to PRetraining IMU EncoderS
- IMU + image, text data
- pretraining
[Arxiv 2024] IMG2IMU: Translating Knowledge from Large-Scale Images to IMU Sensing Applications
- Image, IMU
[PerCom 2024] iMove: Exploring Bio-impedance Sensing for Fitness Activity Recognition
- bio signal + IMU
[EMNLP 2023] IMU2CLIP: Language-grounded Motion Sensor Translation with Multimodal Contrastive Learning
- video + NLP + IMU
- from Meta Reality Lab
[Sensys 2023]MESEN: Exploit Multimodal Data to Design Unimodal Human Activity Recognition with Few Labels
[Sensys21] UniTS: Short-Time Fourier Inspired Neural Networks for Sensory Time Series Classification
[IMWUT 2023] Synthetic Smartwatch IMU Data Generation from In-the-wild ASL Videos
- cross-modal data synthesis
[IMWUT 2020] IMUTube: Automatic Extraction of Virtual on-body Accelerometry from Video for Human Activity Recognition
- data synthesis
[IMWUT 2021] Zero-Shot Learning for IMU-Based Activity Recognition Using Video Embeddings
- video + IMU
【IMWUT 2021】IMU2Doppler: Cross-Modal Domain adaptation for Doppler-based Activity Recognition Using IMU Data
- transfer IMU to mmwave
【IMWUT 2019】Vision2Sensor: Knowledge Transfer Across Sensing Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
- transfer knowledge from video to IMU
【IMWUT 2019】Exploring the Efficacy of Sparse, General-Purpose Sensor Constellations for Wide-Area Activity Sensing
- multi-sensor fusion
[PerCom 2024] Evaluation of Video-Assisted Annotation of Human IMU Data
- a tool for IMU annotation
[IMWUT 2023] SeRaNDiP - Leveraging Inherent Sensor Random Noise for Differential Privacy Preservation in Wearable Community Sensing Applications
[Mobicom 23] Practically Adopting Human Activity Recognition
- federated learning + data augmentation
[IMWUT 2023] Hierarchical Clustering-based Personalized Federated Learning for Robust and Fair Human Activity Recognition
- federated learning + fairness
[Sensys 21] FedDL: Federated Learning via Dynamic Layer Sharing for Human Activity Recognition
- federated learning
[IMWUT 2024] AutoAugHAR: Automated Data Augmentation for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition
- cross-user; data augmentation;
[IMWUT 2024] Optimization-Free Test-Time Adaptation for Cross-Person Activity Recognition
- cross-user, test-time adaptation
- cross user; domain generalization
[IMWUT 2023] GLOBEM: Cross-Dataset Generalization of Longitudinal Human Behavior Modeling
- cross-dataset depression detection
[IMWUT 2022] Semantic-Discriminative Mixup for Generalizable Sensor-based
[ICASAP 2022] Local and global alignments for generalizable sensor-based human activity recognition
[AAAI 2021] Latent Independent Excitation for Generalizable Sensor-based Cross-Person Activity Recognition
[IMWUT 2020] Incremental Real-Time Personalization in Human Activity Recognition Using Domain Adaptive Batch Normalization
- domain adaptation, cross user
【IMWUT 2020】A Systematic Study of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Robust Human-Activity Recognition
- cross device locations
【Ubicomp 2019】Cross-Dataset Activity Recognition via Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Transfer Learning
[IMWUT 2023] X-CHAR: A Concept-based Explainable Complex Human Activity Recognition Model
【IMWUT 2020】Robust Unsupervised Factory Activity Recognition with Body-worn Accelerometer Using Temporal Structure of Multiple Sensor Data Motifs
【IMWUT 2021】Leveraging Activity Recognition to Enable Protective Behavior Detection in Continuous Data
【IMWUT 2019】The Wearables Development Toolkit: An Integrated Development Environment for Activity Recognition Applications
【IMWUT 2019】Integrating Activity Recognition and Nursing Care Records: The System, Deployment, and a Verification Study.
- medical application
【IMWUT 2019】Unsupervised Factory Activity Recognition with Wearable Sensors Using Process Instruction Information
[2024] CLAN: A Contrastive Learning based Novelty Detection Framework for Human Activity Recognition
[IMWUT 2024] Temporal Action Localization for Inertial-based Human Activity Recognition
- segmentation
[PerCom 2023] ALAE-TAE-CutMix+: Beyond the State-of-the-Art for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
- data augmentation; cross-channel interaction;
[IMWUT 2023] ConvBoost: Boosting ConvNets for Sensor-based Activity Recognition
[imwut 2023] DAPPER: Label-Free Performance Estimation after Personalization for Heterogeneous Mobile Sensing
- predict the performance of a model on new data
[CIKM 23] Unleashing the Power of Shared Label Structures for Human Activity Recognition
[IMWUT 23] TAO: Context Detection from Daily Activity Patterns Using Temporal Analysis and Ontology
- context detection
[IMWUT 23] MMTSA: Multi-Modal Temporal Segment Attention Network for Efficient Human Activity Recognition
- activity segmentation
[2023] Temporal Action Localization for Inertial-based Human Activity Recognition
- activity segmentation
【IMWUT 2022】Learning Disentangled Behaviour Patterns for Wearable-based Human Activity Recognition
【IMWUT 2020】Deriving Effective Human Activity Recognition Systems through Objective Task Complexity Assessment
【IMWUT 2020】Adversarial Multi-view Networks for Activity Recognition
[IMWUT 2020] KATN: Key Activity Detection via Inexact Supervised Learning
【IMWUT 2021】CrowdAct: Achieving High-Quality Crowdsourced Datasets in Mobile Activity Recognition
【IMWUT 2021】Attend and Discriminate: Beyond the State-of-the-Art for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
- exploit the latent relationships between multi-channel sensor modalities and specific activities, data-agnostic augmentation
【IMWUT 2019】The Positive Impact of Push vs Pull Progress Feedback: A 6-week Activity Tracking Study in the Wild
[IMWUt 2023] DRG-Keyboard: Enabling Subtle Gesture Typing on the Fingertip with Dual IMU Rings
[TMC 2023] Fine-Grained and Real-Time Gesture Recognition by Using IMU Sensors
[PerCom 2023] CHAR: Composite Head-body Activities Recognition with A Single Earable Device
- earable device
[ACM Trans on CHI 2023] SparseIMU: Computational Design of Sparse IMU Layouts for Sensing Fine-grained Finger Microgestures
- reduce IMU sensors for gesture recognition
[IMWUT 22] The OnHW Dataset: Online Handwriting Recognition from IMU-Enhanced Ballpoint Pens with Machine Learning
【IMWUT 2021】A CNN-based Human Activity Recognition System Combining a Laser Feedback Interferometry Eye Movement Sensor and an IMU for Context-aware Smart Glasses novelty: combine Eye Movement Sensor and IMU, HAR,Smart glasses,transfer learning to personalize the classification
[2023] Domain Adaptation for Inertial Measurement Unit-based Human Activity Recognition: A Survey
IMU Sensing Data-Based Kinetic Tremor Detection in Parkinson's Disease Patients
Detecting Parkinsonian Tremor from IMU DataCollected In-The-Wild using Deep Multiple-Instance Learning
- dataset: https://zenodo.org/record/3519213
[TMC 2024] Online Path Description Learning based on IMU Signals from IoT Devices
- learns position vectors of a user from IMU sensor readings, custom-made self-attention network model
[TITS 2024] Deep Learning for Inertial Positioning: A Survey
[ACM Trans. Graph 2023] EgoLocate: Real-time Motion Capture, Localization, and Mapping with Sparse Body-mounted Sensors
- 6 IMU sensors on body + other sensors
- VR, AR
[ACM Computing Surveys 2015] Mobility Increases Localizability: A Survey on Wireless Indoor Localization using Inertial Sensors
- detailed IMU sensor analysis
- IMU for indoor localization
[2024] Transportation mode recognition based on low-rate acceleration and location signals with an attention-based multiple-instance learning network
[Ubicomp/ISWC 2023] Enhancing Transportation Mode Detection using Multi-scale Sensor Fusion and Spatial-topological Attention
- IMU + GNSS data
[2023] IMU Dataset For Motion and Device Mode Classification
- pocket, fixed hand, swing hand, backpack
[TMC 2024] BrailleReader: Braille Character Recognition Using Wearable Motion Sensor
- recognize braille character by touching
[IMWUT 2024] Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement Using Smartphone's Built-in Accelerometer
- Accelerometer
- blood pressure
[NDSS 2023] StealthyIMU: Stealing Permission-protected Private Information From Smartphone Voice Assistant Using Zero-Permission Sensors
- IMU, voice
- privacy attack
[2023] Inferring private personal attributes of virtual reality users from head and hand motion data
- use motion data to infer private user information
- dataset: Berkeley Open Extended Reality Recordings 2023 (BOXRR-23)
[IMWUT 2021] My(o) Armband Leaks Passwords: An EMG and IMU Based Keylogging Side-Channel Attack
- IMU + EMG, keylogging, privacy attack; lower arm
[TMC 2018] Side-Channel Inference Attacks on Mobile Keypads Using Smartwatches
- smartwatch, keylogging
[Mobicom 2025] MoLe: Motion Leaks through Smartwatch Sensors
- smartwatch, IMU, privacy attack, keylogging
[IMWUT 2024] EarSleep: In-ear Acoustic-based Physical and Physiological Activity Recognition for Sleep Stage Detection
- acoustic signal
[IMWUT 2023] RF-CM: Cross-Modal Framework for RF-enabled Few-Shot Human Activity Recognition
- wifi + mmwave
[PerCom 2023] Exposing the CSI: A Systematic Investigation of CSI-based Wi-Fi Sensing Capabilities and Limitations
- benchmark study of WiFi
[PerCom 24 workshop] Text me the data: Generating Ground Pressure Sequence from Textual Descriptions for HAR
- GPT generates pressure data
[PerCom 2023] hEARt: Motion-resilient Heart Rate Monitoring with In-ear Microphones
- heart rate sensing via earphone
[PerCom 2023] Joint Estimation of the Distance and Relative Velocity of Obstacles via Smartphone Active Sound Sensing for Pedestrian Safety
- Sound sensing
[PerCom 2023] EMGSense: A Low-Effort Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for EMG Sensing
- EMG signal; pretraining + augmentation
[Sensys 2021] OneFi: One-Shot Recognition for Unseen Gesture via COTS WiFi
[Sensys 2020] RF-net: a unified meta-learning framework for RF-enabled one-shot human activity recognition
[IMWUT 2020] DeepMV: Multi-View Deep Learning for Device-Free Human Activity Recognition
- wifi
[IMWUT 2020] CARIN: Wireless CSI-based Driver Activity Recognition under the Interference of Passengers
[IMWUT 2019] Personalized Context-aware Collaborative Online Activity Prediction
- a user-location-time-activity 4D-tensor and a location-time-POI 3D-tensor
[Sensys 19] RFID based real-time recognition of ongoing gesture with adversarial learning
[IMWUT 2021] Fall Detection via Inaudible Acoustic Sensing[Ubicomp 2019] Towards a Diffraction-based Sensing Approach on Human Activity Recognition
- wifi