- Update to SQLitePCLRaw 2.0.0 (thanks to @ericsink)
- Various testing frameworks updates.
- Update sourcelink version
- Update to FxCopAnalyzers, fixed a lot of the warnings that came from that.
- Now using System.Reactive 4.1.6 as the minimum.
- Bunch of internal housekeeping items related to our Azure Devops instance.
- e7dac46 housekeeping: update to fix analyzer warnings/errors @glennawatson
- 3f38977 this should fix the problems with the xunit tests running under net461 with SQLitePCLRaw 2.0. turn off shadowCopy for xunit. (#496) @ericsink
- f432e50 housekeeping: update all the operations to v2.0.0 sqlite syntax @glennawatson
- 08f76de housekeeping: Update the sqlite3 2.0.0 syntax @glennawatson
- b6702ef housekeeping: Update SQLitePCLRaw.core to 2.0.0 @glennawatson
- e54f2d1 housekeeping: force upgrade nuget packages to net standard 2.0 @glennawatson
- 5bb82ed housekeeping: Explicit include System.Runtime.InteropServices @glennawatson
- 7cae4c0 housekeeping: Update System.Reactive to 4.1.6 @glennawatson
- 9afdda0 housekeeping: Have the azure pipeline match other projects @glennawatson
- f90a533 housekeeping: update FxCopAnalyzers to 2.9.4 @glennawatson
- 5f69162 Bump Nerdbank.GitVersioning from 2.3.183 to 3.0.24 (#495) @dependabot
- 7c26f64 housekeeping: Update to sqlite3 2.0.0 @glennawatson