A spring-model cloth physics simulator made using C/C++
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As of 30/12/2021
, Cloth-Sim features a cloth mesh importer (in the form of a WaveFront obj file), a cloth mesh exporter, a cloth-sphere and cloth-plane collision simulation with options to apply forces such as angular velocity and a cloth free-fall simulation with options to apply forces such as wind direction
Features that I would like to work towards implementing
- Adding textures/lighting and face triangulation
- Improving the spring-model
- Increasing performance (less load with more springs)
- More simulation scenarios
Feel free to suggest some in the issues tab!
To create a cloth mesh, you simply need an easy WaveFront obj
editor so that you can import the obj
file. The simplest way is to just create a plane in blender and add equal number of cut loops on both the horizontal and vertical. Export as quads.
The program uses the mass-spring-damper model to model the cloth. In this case, each vertex in the mesh would be considered a mass (particle with a fixed weight). After loading in the cloth mesh, springs are created using adjacent and diagonal connections between the particles as shown in the following diagram.
Then to simulate the cloth, you apply the spring force and gravity to all of the created springs (and additional ones depending on the simulation such as friction or wind)
The parameters that worked for me were
mass = 0.5
ks = 10
kd = 5
g = -0.981
Dependencies include OpenGL 4.50
, libdl
, glfw3
, pthread
, glm
git clone https://github.com/ranaxdev/Masters/
cd Animation_Simulation/Cloth-Sim
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
I'm currently working on releasing an executable so that you don't have to use cmake
to build it on windows
GLAD : OpenGL Loading Library
GLM : OpenGL Mathematics
GLFW : A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
Dear ImGui : Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
S.R. Qaiser - @pitu_dev - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/ranaxdev/Cloth-Sim