An Active Admin plugin to add dynamic behaviors to fields.
- set conditional checks on fields
- trigger some actions on other fields
- inline field editing
- create links to load some content in a dialog
The easiest way to show how this plugin works is looking the examples below.
- Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'activeadmin_dynamic_fields'
- Execute bundle
- Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin javascripts (app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js):
//= require activeadmin/dynamic_fields
Options are passed to fields using input_html parameter as data attributes:
- data-if: check a condition, values:
- checked: check if a checkbox is checked
- not_checked: check if a checkbox is not checked
- blank: check if a field is blank
- not_blank: check if a field is not blank
- changed: check if the value of an input is changed (dirty)
- data-eq: check if a field has a specific value
- data-not: check if a field hasn't a specific value
- data-target: target css selector (from parent fieldset, look for the closest match)
- data-gtarget: target css selector globally
- data-action: the action to trigger, values:
- hide: hides elements
- slide: hides elements (using sliding)
- fade: hides elements (using fading)
- addClass: adds classes
- setValue: set a value
- callback: call a function
- data-function: check the return value of a custom function
- data-arg: argument passed to the custom set function (as array of strings)
- A checkbox that hides other fields if is checked (ex. model Article):
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Article' do
f.input :published, input_html: { data: { if: 'checked', action: 'hide', target: '.grp1' } }
f.input :online_date, wrapper_html: { class: 'grp1' }
f.input :draft_notes, wrapper_html: { class: 'grp1' }
- Add 3 classes (first, second, third) if a checkbox is not checked:
f.input :published, input_html: { data: { if: 'not_checked', action: 'addClass first second third', target: '.grp1' } }
- Set another field value if a string field is blank:
f.input :title, input_html: { data: { if: 'blank', action: 'setValue 10', target: '#article_position' } }
- Use a custom function for conditional check (title_not_empty() must be available on global scope) (with alternative syntax for data attributes):
f.input :title, input_html: { 'data-function': 'title_empty', 'data-action': 'slide', 'data-target': '#article_description_input' }
function title_empty( el ) {
return ( $('#article_title').val().trim() === '' );
- Call a callback function as action:
f.input :published, input_html: { data: { if: 'checked', action: 'callback set_title', args: '["Unpublished !"]' } }
function set_title( args ) {
if( $('#article_title').val().trim() === '' ) {
$('#article_title').val( args[0] );
$('#article_title').trigger( 'change' );
- Custom function without action:
f2.input :category, as: :select, collection: [ [ 'Cat 1', 'cat1' ], [ 'Cat 2', 'cat2' ], [ 'Cat 3', 'cat3' ] ], input_html: { 'data-function': 'on_change_category' }
function on_change_category( el ) {
var target = el.closest( 'fieldset' ).find( '.pub' );
target.prop( 'checked', ( el.val() == 'cat2' ) );
target.trigger( 'change' );
- Prepare a custom member action to save data, an update helper function is available (third parameter is optional, allow to filter using strong parameters):
member_action :save, method: [:post] do
render ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::update( resource, params )
# render ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::update( resource, params, [:published] )
# render ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::update( resource, params, Article::permit_params )
- In index config:
# Edit a string:
column :title do |row|
div row.title, ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::edit_string( :title, save_admin_article_path( ) )
# Edit a boolean:
column :published do |row|
status_tag row.published, ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::edit_boolean( :published, save_admin_article_path( ), row.published )
# Edit a select ([''] allow to have a blank value):
column :author do |row|
select ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::edit_select( :author_id, save_admin_article_path( ) ) do
options_for_select( [''] + Author.pluck( :name, :id ), row.author_id )
- In show config (less useful):
row :title do |row|
div row.title, ActiveAdmin::DynamicFields::edit_string( :title, save_admin_article_path( ) )
Example with 2 models: Author and Article
Prepare the content dialog - in Active Admin Author config:
ActiveAdmin.register Author do
# ...
member_action :dialog do
content = '<dl style="margin: 12px">'
[:name, :age, :created_at].each do |field|
content += "<dt>#{Author.human_attribute_name(field)}:</dt><dd>#{resource[field]}</dd>"
content += '</dl>'
render plain: content
# ...
Add a link to show the dialog - in Active Admin Article config:
ActiveAdmin.register Article do
# ...
show do |object|
attributes_table do
# ...
row :author do
link_to, dialog_admin_author_path( ), title:, 'data-df-dialog': true, 'data-df-icon': true
# ...
The link url is loaded via AJAX before opening the dialog.
If you use this component just star it. A developer is more motivated to improve a project when there is some interest.
Take a look at other ActiveAdmin components that I made if you are curious.
- Mattia Roccoberton - creator, maintainer