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This module is intended to ease the user of management of VMs with the puppetlabs-vsphere, while including the use of integrated IPAM with Infoblox.


Required Puppet Modules

  • puppetlabs-vsphere
  • puppetlabs-stdlib

All vSphere, Infoblox, VM, VM Template and Puppet config is managed via Hiera

See data/common.yaml.example for all settings and options.

VM Template Preperation

Linux based VM templates should have the following line added to their crontab in order to activate the integration fully. This will include the setting of IP address information, hostname and installing the puppet agent automatically from details provided through Hiera. The following should be added to a new file named /etc/cron.d/puppet_first_run:

@reboot root vmtoolsd --cmd "info-get guestinfo.puppet.firstrun" | /bin/bash -s

NOTE: This file can be removed afterward once connected to the network on it's new IP.

For Windows based VM templates, a similar job should be added to scheduled tasks to run on boot.

Puppet Agent Requirements (v7.17.0 & preprocess_deferred=false)

In order to support the use of the preprocess_deferred=false configuration option Puppet Agent v7.17.0 or above must be used.

The Puppet agent used to run this module must have the preprocess_deferred set to false. By default, this setting is true and will cause items to run out of order and create unexpected results.

This can be accomplished on the agent side by running the following command:

sudo puppet config set --section=main preprocess_deferred false

Using with 'puppet apply ...'

If using puppet apply for testing on a workstation, follow this process:

  1. in a temporary working directory, create a modules directory and install the puppetlabs-vsphere and puppetlabs-stdlib modules. Ensure to use the --modulepath=./modules option.
mkdir testing
cd testing
mkdir modules
puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib --modulepath=./modules
puppet module install puppetlabs-vsphere --modulepath=./modules

Note: Make sure to install the hocon and rbvmomi2 gems which are required for use with the puppetlabs-vsphere module. Note, this should be done using sudo:

sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install hocon
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install rbvmomi2
  1. Clone this repository/module into the modules directory
cd modules
git clone
  1. While still in the modules directory, Copy ibvs/data/common.yaml.example to ibvs/data/common.yaml:
cp ibvs/data/common.yaml.example ibvs/data/common.yaml
  1. Modify the common.yaml for your environment and desired setup. All entries which are encased in angled brackets < > must be set to your environment specifics. Note: Passwords and other strings with special characters should be enclosed in single quotes:
vi ibvs/data/common.yaml
  1. Go back to the testing directory and run the 'puppet apply' command with the following options (debug and noop are optional) in order to active the module.
cd ..
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet apply \
  --modulepath=./modules \
  --hiera_config ./modules/ibvs/hiera.yaml \
  -e 'include ibvs' --debug --noop

Note: sudo is required to manage and read the vsphere user configuration managed by ibvs::vsphere_config. With this method, environment variable are not required, however there is a file on disk with password to be managed appropriately.

Using with Environment Variables (pipline integration)

For use within a pipeline, this module can use environment variables instead of a VM list from Hiera (common.yaml). There are 2 use cases supported, create and destroy.

VM profiles will still be used from Hiera (common.yaml). Examples are provided below. Note: VMs are seperated in the list using commas.

Case 1: Create VMs from List

 export IBVS_vm_profile=default
 export IBVS_action=create

Case 2: Create VMs from List

export IBVS_vm_profile=default
export IBVS_action=destroy
export IBVS_accept_irreversible_action=true

Once the environment variables are set, run puppet with the override settings from the command line or a script as shown in the following (substituting for the correct paths):


sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet apply \
  --modulepath=./modules \
  --hiera_config ./modules/ibvs/hiera.yaml \
  -e "
    class { 'ibvs':
      env_vms => '${IBVS_vms}',
      env_vm_profile => '${IBVS_vm_profile}',
      env_action => '${IBVS_action}',
      env_accept_irreversible_action => '${IBVS_accept_irreversible_action}',
  " --debug --trace "$@"

Usage with Puppet Enterprise (puppet agent mode)

For usage with puppet enterprise, select a node to run ibvs on, create a node-level hiera file with the contents of common.yaml.example (modify as needed) and then classify the host with ibvs. The host will need to have the rbvmomi and hocon gems available as per the note above in the 'puppet apply' section.



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