Releases: pinecone-io/pinecone-java-client
v0.8.0 Release
Added: Control plane operations for serverless indexes
Java SDK now supports control plane operations for serverless indexes. Users can now create
, list
, describe
, and delete
serverless indexes. Note that the PineconeIndexOperationClient
has been renamed to PineconeControlPlaneClient
The following example shows how to use the create
, list
, describe
, and delete
serverless indexes.
import io.pinecone.PineconeControlPlaneClient;
import io.pinecone.helpers.RandomStringBuilder;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import static io.pinecone.helpers.IndexManager.isIndexReady;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
public class ServerlessIndexOperations {
public void createAndDelete() throws InterruptedException {
String indexName ="index-name", 8);
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient("PINECONE_API_KEY");
ServerlessSpec serverlessSpec = new ServerlessSpec().cloud(ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum.AWS).region("us-west-2");
CreateIndexRequestSpec createIndexRequestSpec = new CreateIndexRequestSpec().serverless(serverlessSpec);
// Create the index
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest()
// Wait until index is ready
// Describe the index
IndexModel indexModel = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName);
assertEquals(10, indexModel.getDimension());
assertEquals(indexName, indexModel.getName());
assertEquals(IndexMetric.COSINE, indexModel.getMetric());
// List the index
IndexList indexList = controlPlaneClient.listIndexes();
assert !Objects.requireNonNull(indexList.getIndexes()).isEmpty();
// Delete the index
Updated: Control plane operations for pod indexes
We have updated the api's for create
, configure
, list
, describe
, and delete
operations for pod indexes.
The following example how to create
, list
, describe
, and delete
pod indexes.
import io.pinecone.PineconeControlPlaneClient;
import io.pinecone.helpers.RandomStringBuilder;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
public class PodIndexOperations {
public void createAndDelete() throws InterruptedException {
String apiKey = System.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY");
String environment = System.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT");
String indexName ="index-name", 8);
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient(apiKey);
CreateIndexRequestSpecPod podSpec = new CreateIndexRequestSpecPod().environment(environment).podType("p1.x1");
CreateIndexRequestSpec createIndexRequestSpec = new CreateIndexRequestSpec().pod(podSpec);
// Create the index
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest()
// Wait until index is ready
// Describe the index
IndexModel indexModel = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName);
assertEquals(10, indexModel.getDimension());
assertEquals(indexName, indexModel.getName());
assertEquals(IndexMetric.COSINE, indexModel.getMetric());
// List the index
IndexList indexList = controlPlaneClient.listIndexes();
assert !Objects.requireNonNull(indexList.getIndexes()).isEmpty();
// Delete the index
The following example shows how to scale up and down a pod index
using configure index
public class PodIndexOperations {
public void scaleUpAndDownPodIndex() {
try {
String apiKey = System.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY");
String environment = System.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT");
String indexName ="index-name", 8);
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient(apiKey);
// Scale up for the test
ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod pod = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod().replicas(3);
ConfigureIndexRequestSpec spec = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpec().pod(pod);
ConfigureIndexRequest configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest().spec(spec);
controlPlaneClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
// Verify the scaled up replicas
PodSpec podSpec = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName).getSpec().getPod();
assert (podSpec != null);
assertEquals(podSpec.getReplicas(), 3);
// Scaling down
pod = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod().replicas(1);
spec = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpec().pod(pod);
configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest().spec(spec);
controlPlaneClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
// Verify replicas were scaled down
podSpec = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName).getSpec().getPod();
assert (podSpec != null);
assertEquals(podSpec.getReplicas(), 1);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new PineconeException("Test failed: " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
Added: Support for collections in Java SDK
We have added the support to create
, list
, describe
, and delete
the collections in java sdk.
The following example shows how to create
, list
, describe
, and delete
public class Collections {
public void testIndexToCollectionHappyPath() throws InterruptedException {
String apiKey = System.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY");
String environment = System.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT");
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient(apiKey);
String indexName ="collection-test", 8);
ArrayList<String> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> collections = new ArrayList<>();
IndexMetric indexMetric = IndexMetric.COSINE;
List<String> upsertIds = Arrays.asList("v1", "v2", "v3");
String namespace ="ns", 8);
int dimension = 4;
String collectionName ="collection-test", 8);
// Create collection from index
CreateCollectionRequest createCollectionRequest = new CreateCollectionRequest().name(collectionName).source(indexName);
CollectionModel collection = controlPlaneClient.createCollection(createCollectionRequest);
assertEquals(collection.getStatus(), CollectionModel.StatusEnum.INITIALIZING);
// Wait until collection is ready
// List collections
List<CollectionModel> collectionList = controlPlaneClient.listCollections().getCollections();
// Verify collections is listed
boolean collectionFound = false;
if (collectionList != null && !collectionList.isEmpty()) {
for (CollectionModel col : collectionList) {
if (col.getName().equals(collectionName)) {
collectionFound = true;
if (!collectionFound) {
fail("Collection " + collectionName + " was not found when listing collections");
// Describe collections
collection = controlPlaneClient.describeCollection(collectionName);
assertEquals(collection.getStatus(), CollectionModel.StatusEnum.READY);
assertEquals(collection.getDimension(), dimension);
assertEquals(collection.getVectorCount(), 3);
assertNotEquals(collection.getVectorCount(), null);
assertTrue(collection.getSize() > 0);
// Delete collections
What's Changed
- Add global control plane code by @rohanshah18 in #59
- Update index operations by @rohanshah18 in #62
- Update configure index test and clean up control plane client by @rohanshah18 in #63
- Add collections operations to
with integration tests by @austin-denoble in #65 - Refactor dataplane by @rohanshah18 in #66
- Revert "Refactor dataplane " by ...
v0.7.4 Release
Fixed: Create and listIndexes calls for gcp-starter environment
and listIndexes
calls for gcp-starter
environment were failing because the path was incorrectly setup. Users can now create and list indexes in gcp-starter
environment using Java SDK.
Added: Retry with assert mechanism
Integration test suite will often fail on the first try, so to make it more robust, I have added retry with assert mechanism.
Deprecated: queries parameter
Added deprecation warning for queries
parameter of QueryRequest
. Use vector
and its associated methods instead.
The following example shows an example of how to use deprecated queries
parameter vs. how to use methods associated with vector
while querying:
package io.pinecone.integration.dataplane;
import io.pinecone.*;
import io.pinecone.helpers.RandomStringBuilder;
import io.pinecone.model.IndexMeta;
import io.pinecone.proto.QueryRequest;
import io.pinecone.proto.QueryResponse;
import io.pinecone.proto.VectorServiceGrpc;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class QueryVectors {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
PineconeClientConfig config = new PineconeClientConfig()
PineconeIndexOperationClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeIndexOperationClient(config);
String indexName = "index-name";
PineconeClient dataPlaneClient = new PineconeClient(config);
IndexMeta indexMeta = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName);
String host = indexMeta.getStatus().getHost();
PineconeConnection connection = dataPlaneClient.connect(
new PineconeConnectionConfig()
.withConnectionUrl("https://" + host));
VectorServiceGrpc.VectorServiceBlockingStub blockingStub = connection.getBlockingStub();
String namespace ="ns", 8);
// Commented code shows the example of using deprecated queries parameter, which is part of QueryRequest
float[] rawVector = {1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F};
QueryVector queryVector = QueryVector.newBuilder()
.putFields("some_field", Value.newBuilder()
.putFields("$lt", Value.newBuilder()
QueryRequest batchQueryRequest = QueryRequest.newBuilder()
.addQueries(queryVector) // addQueries() is deprecated as it belongs to queries parameter
QueryResponse deprecatedQueryResponse = blockingStub.query(batchQueryRequest);
// Below example shows an example of using addAllVector() which is associated with vector parameter of QueryRequest
Iterable<Float> iterableVector = Arrays.asList(1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F);
QueryRequest queryRequest = QueryRequest.newBuilder()
QueryResponse queryResponse = blockingStub.query(queryRequest);
What's Changed
- Fix path for gcp-starter env, add assert with retry mechanism, and add deprecation warning in vector_service.proto by @rohanshah18 in #57
- Add source_collection to indexMetaDatabase object and ignore newly added fields by @rohanshah18 in #58
Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.7.4
v0.7.2 Release
Fixed: User-agent SDK version extraction bug
In this release, we have fixed the Unable to extract pinecone client version
What's Changed
- Fix SDK version extraction by @rohanshah18 in #55
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2
v0.7.1 Release
Added: List Indexes
Introduced the ability to list indexes in a project. It returns a list of string where each string represents an index name.
The following example shows how to list indexes:
PineconeClientConfig configuration = new PineconeClientConfig()
PineconeIndexOperationClient indexOperationClient = new PineconeIndexOperationClient(configuration);
List<String> indexList = indexOperationClient.listIndexes();
Added: Configure index
Introduced the ability to configure the number of replicas
or the podType
of an existing index.
- This is not supported by projects on the
environment. - Scaling down the pod type is not supported i.e.
cannot be changed top1.x1
. - Updating the base pod type is not supported i.e.
cannot be changed top2.x1
The following example shows how to configure indexes:
PineconeClientConfig configuration = new PineconeClientConfig()
PineconeIndexOperationClient indexOperationClient = new PineconeIndexOperationClient(configuration);
// Increasing the replicas: assuming the number of replicas was set to 1 or 2
ConfigureIndexRequest configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest()
indexOperationClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
// Decreasing the replicas from 3 to 1
configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest()
indexOperationClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
// Change the pod type to a larger one i.e. from p1.x1 to p1.x2
ConfigureIndexRequest configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest()
indexOperationClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
Added: Integration tests for control and data plane operations
We have added integration tests for both control (index) and data plane (vector) operations under src/integration/java/io/pinecone/integration
which will help provide users with more examples.
What's Changed
- Add support to list indexes by @rohanshah18 in #40
- Add support to configure index by @rohanshah18 in #42
- Add user agent by @rohanshah18 in #43
- Add describeIndexStats integration test by @rohanshah18 in #47
- Add integration test for deleting vectors by @rohanshah18 in #48
- Refactor configure index test by @rohanshah18 in #50
- Add update, fetch, and query integration tests by @rohanshah18 in #51
- Update changelogs, examples, and readme by @rohanshah18 in #52
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.1
v0.6.0 Release
Added: Asynchronous Stub
We have added the capability to expose a future stub, providing users with the ability to execute asynchronous gRPC requests. The future stub allows for concurrent requests, enhancing the efficiency of data plane operations.
Below is a simple code example demonstrating how to utilize the future stub for making asynchronous gRPC request:
// Instantiate a Pinecone client configuration with the API key
PineconeClientConfig clientConfig = new PineconeClientConfig().withApiKey("PINECONE_API_KEY");
// Create a Pinecone client and establish a connection
PineconeClient client = new PineconeClient(clientConfig);
PineconeConnection connection = client.connectWithUrl("");
// Retrieve the future stub for asynchronous requests
VectorServiceGrpc.VectorServiceFutureStub futureStub = connection.getFutureStub();
// Prepare a DescribeIndexStatsRequest
DescribeIndexStatsRequest describeIndexStatsRequest = DescribeIndexStatsRequest.newBuilder().build();
// Execute the asynchronous request and handle the response
ListenableFuture<DescribeIndexStatsResponse> describeIndexStatsResponseFuture = futureStub.describeIndexStats(describeIndexStatsRequest);
try {
DescribeIndexStatsResponse response = describeIndexStatsResponseFuture.get();"Received describe index stats response: " + response);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
logger.error("Failed to retrieve describe index stats: " + e.getMessage());
Added: Integration tests
We have also added integration tests that will run after every commit to enhance testing capability.
What's Changed
- Setup starter CI job by @jhamon in #33
- Expand CI coverage to Java 17, add integration tests by @jhamon in #34
- Clean up integration tests by @rohanshah18 in #36
- Expose future stub on Pinecone connection by @russcam in #32
- Update changelogs for v0.6.0 release by @rohanshah18 in #38
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.6.0
v0.5.1 Release
Fixed: Dependency Cleanup and Compatibility Enhancement
In this release, we took steps to enhance compatibility and ensure optimal performance by addressing dependency-related concerns:
- Updated the dependency for
to version2.0.61.Final
, ensuring compatibility with gRPCv1.58.0
. - Removed unnecessary dependencies.
- Updated deprecated gradle method.
These changes effectively resolve the dependency version conflict, contributing to a cleaner and more streamlined dependency structure.
What's Changed
- Update readme for outdated java-basic-mvn example by @rohanshah18 in #30
- Update build.gradle file to fix dependency issues and improve testing by @rohanshah18 in #31
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1
v0.5.0 Release
Updated: gRPC version 1.58.0
In this release, we have upgraded the gRPC version from v1.53.0
to v1.58.0
, implementing crucial adjustments. This update ensures that users can seamlessly utilize gRPC v1.58.0
without encountering the method not found
errors that were prevalent in the previous version v1.53.0
Updated: HTTP Client
Upgraded the HTTP client from AsyncHttpClient
to OkHttpClient
for control plane operations. Users can now make multiple client calls using a synchronous HTTP client, providing a better control and performance.
Added: Index Description
Introduced the ability to describe an index using the indexName
parameter, offering more flexibility in index operations.
The following example shows how to utilize OkHttpClient and synchronously call describeIndex
and deleteIndex
functions using indexName
// create a custom OkHttpClient
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(10, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(30, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(30, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS);
OkHttpClient httpClient =;
PineconeClientConfig pineconeClientConfig = new PineconeClientConfig()
// pass the custom OkHttpClient
PineconeIndexOperationClient pineconeIndexOperationClient = new PineconeIndexOperationClient(pineconeClientConfig, httpClient);
// synchronous calls to describe and delete index
// close the client
Added: Apache 2.0 License
Added Apache 2.0 license
, ensuring compliance with licensing standards.
What's Changed
- Update http client and improve error handling by @rohanshah18 in #23
- Add Apache 2.0 LICENSE by @gdj0nes in #25
- Add support for describeIndex functionality by @rohanshah18 in #24
- Update gRPC version to 1.58.0 by @rohanshah18 in #26
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
Release 0.4.0
This change simplifies configuration by allowing a PineconeConnection
object to be instantiated from an index url without the need to pass individual configuration fields for indexName
, projectId
, and environment
. This change should make interactions with Pinecone's data plane more robust as there is no longer a need to parse these values out of urls which could change format over time.
The following example shows how to build a PineconeConnection
object from the index url. Then we show how to use the connection object to fetch a list of vectors.
PineconeClientConfig clientConfig = new PineconeClientConfig().withApiKey("PINECONE_API_KEY");
PineconeClient client = new PineconeClient(clientConfig);
PineconeConnection connection = client.connectWithUrl("");
List<String> ids = Arrays.asList("v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6");
FetchRequest fetchRequest = FetchRequest.newBuilder().addAllIds(ids).setNamespace("TEST_NAMESPACE").build();
FetchResponse fetchResponse = connection.getBlockingStub().fetch(fetchRequest);
Release 0.3.0
We have introduced the following two index operations:
- Creating an index is now possible using the required fields
, along with optional fields such asmetric
, andsource_collection
. - Additionally, you can now delete an index using the
- Create Index:
// The following example creates an index without a metadata configuration. By default, Pinecone indexes all metadata.
PineconeClientConfig configuration = new PineconeClientConfig()
PineconeIndexOperationClient pineconeIndexOperationClient = new PineconeIndexOperationClient(configuration);
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest()
// The following example creates an index that only indexes the "color" metadata field.
IndexMetadataConfig metadataConfig = new IndexMetadataConfig();
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest2 = new CreateIndexRequest()
- Delete Index:
// The following example deletes an index
PineconeClientConfig configuration = new PineconeClientConfig()
PineconeIndexOperationClient pineconeIndexOperationClient = new PineconeIndexOperationClient(configuration);