v0.8.0 Release
Added: Control plane operations for serverless indexes
Java SDK now supports control plane operations for serverless indexes. Users can now create
, list
, describe
, and delete
serverless indexes. Note that the PineconeIndexOperationClient
has been renamed to PineconeControlPlaneClient
The following example shows how to use the create
, list
, describe
, and delete
serverless indexes.
import io.pinecone.PineconeControlPlaneClient;
import io.pinecone.helpers.RandomStringBuilder;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import static io.pinecone.helpers.IndexManager.isIndexReady;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
public class ServerlessIndexOperations {
public void createAndDelete() throws InterruptedException {
String indexName = RandomStringBuilder.build("index-name", 8);
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient("PINECONE_API_KEY");
ServerlessSpec serverlessSpec = new ServerlessSpec().cloud(ServerlessSpec.CloudEnum.AWS).region("us-west-2");
CreateIndexRequestSpec createIndexRequestSpec = new CreateIndexRequestSpec().serverless(serverlessSpec);
// Create the index
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest()
// Wait until index is ready
// Describe the index
IndexModel indexModel = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName);
assertEquals(10, indexModel.getDimension());
assertEquals(indexName, indexModel.getName());
assertEquals(IndexMetric.COSINE, indexModel.getMetric());
// List the index
IndexList indexList = controlPlaneClient.listIndexes();
assert !Objects.requireNonNull(indexList.getIndexes()).isEmpty();
// Delete the index
Updated: Control plane operations for pod indexes
We have updated the api's for create
, configure
, list
, describe
, and delete
operations for pod indexes.
The following example how to create
, list
, describe
, and delete
pod indexes.
import io.pinecone.PineconeControlPlaneClient;
import io.pinecone.helpers.RandomStringBuilder;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
public class PodIndexOperations {
public void createAndDelete() throws InterruptedException {
String apiKey = System.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY");
String environment = System.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT");
String indexName = RandomStringBuilder.build("index-name", 8);
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient(apiKey);
CreateIndexRequestSpecPod podSpec = new CreateIndexRequestSpecPod().environment(environment).podType("p1.x1");
CreateIndexRequestSpec createIndexRequestSpec = new CreateIndexRequestSpec().pod(podSpec);
// Create the index
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest()
// Wait until index is ready
// Describe the index
IndexModel indexModel = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName);
assertEquals(10, indexModel.getDimension());
assertEquals(indexName, indexModel.getName());
assertEquals(IndexMetric.COSINE, indexModel.getMetric());
// List the index
IndexList indexList = controlPlaneClient.listIndexes();
assert !Objects.requireNonNull(indexList.getIndexes()).isEmpty();
// Delete the index
The following example shows how to scale up and down a pod index
using configure index
public class PodIndexOperations {
public void scaleUpAndDownPodIndex() {
try {
String apiKey = System.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY");
String environment = System.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT");
String indexName = RandomStringBuilder.build("index-name", 8);
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient(apiKey);
// Scale up for the test
ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod pod = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod().replicas(3);
ConfigureIndexRequestSpec spec = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpec().pod(pod);
ConfigureIndexRequest configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest().spec(spec);
controlPlaneClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
// Verify the scaled up replicas
PodSpec podSpec = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName).getSpec().getPod();
assert (podSpec != null);
assertEquals(podSpec.getReplicas(), 3);
// Scaling down
pod = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod().replicas(1);
spec = new ConfigureIndexRequestSpec().pod(pod);
configureIndexRequest = new ConfigureIndexRequest().spec(spec);
controlPlaneClient.configureIndex(indexName, configureIndexRequest);
// Verify replicas were scaled down
podSpec = controlPlaneClient.describeIndex(indexName).getSpec().getPod();
assert (podSpec != null);
assertEquals(podSpec.getReplicas(), 1);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new PineconeException("Test failed: " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
Added: Support for collections in Java SDK
We have added the support to create
, list
, describe
, and delete
the collections in java sdk.
The following example shows how to create
, list
, describe
, and delete
public class Collections {
public void testIndexToCollectionHappyPath() throws InterruptedException {
String apiKey = System.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY");
String environment = System.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT");
PineconeControlPlaneClient controlPlaneClient = new PineconeControlPlaneClient(apiKey);
String indexName = RandomStringBuilder.build("collection-test", 8);
ArrayList<String> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> collections = new ArrayList<>();
IndexMetric indexMetric = IndexMetric.COSINE;
List<String> upsertIds = Arrays.asList("v1", "v2", "v3");
String namespace = RandomStringBuilder.build("ns", 8);
int dimension = 4;
String collectionName = RandomStringBuilder.build("collection-test", 8);
// Create collection from index
CreateCollectionRequest createCollectionRequest = new CreateCollectionRequest().name(collectionName).source(indexName);
CollectionModel collection = controlPlaneClient.createCollection(createCollectionRequest);
assertEquals(collection.getStatus(), CollectionModel.StatusEnum.INITIALIZING);
// Wait until collection is ready
// List collections
List<CollectionModel> collectionList = controlPlaneClient.listCollections().getCollections();
// Verify collections is listed
boolean collectionFound = false;
if (collectionList != null && !collectionList.isEmpty()) {
for (CollectionModel col : collectionList) {
if (col.getName().equals(collectionName)) {
collectionFound = true;
if (!collectionFound) {
fail("Collection " + collectionName + " was not found when listing collections");
// Describe collections
collection = controlPlaneClient.describeCollection(collectionName);
assertEquals(collection.getStatus(), CollectionModel.StatusEnum.READY);
assertEquals(collection.getDimension(), dimension);
assertEquals(collection.getVectorCount(), 3);
assertNotEquals(collection.getVectorCount(), null);
assertTrue(collection.getSize() > 0);
// Delete collections
What's Changed
- Add global control plane code by @rohanshah18 in #59
- Update index operations by @rohanshah18 in #62
- Update configure index test and clean up control plane client by @rohanshah18 in #63
- Add collections operations to
with integration tests by @austin-denoble in #65 - Refactor dataplane by @rohanshah18 in #66
- Revert "Refactor dataplane " by @rohanshah18 in #67
- Update changelogs, sdk version, and user-agent for v0.8.0 release by @rohanshah18 in #68
New Contributors
- @austin-denoble made their first contribution in #65
Full Changelog: v0.7.4...v0.8.0