Releases: pharo-ide/TostSerializer
Update dependencies for Pharo 11
v2.0.1 update readme badges
Pharo 9 compatibility with FullBlockClosure support
While it brings FullBlockClosure support the main change here is simplification of transporter implementation and related renames:
- TostTransporter is renamed to TostTransport
- TostTransportation is renamed to TostTransporter and subclasses are merged into it (and removed)
Now TostTransporter is responsible for serialization and materialization. The different type of operation is reflected by given transport stream (read of write). It simplifies implementation of new transporters like SeamlessTransporter: you need to subclass the only class and extend it with required state and methods.
Very critical bug was discovered and fixed during full block implementation: TostWellKnownObjectFormat overridden the state of found well known object (a global ) with a state of next object in the stream.
Dependencies and baseline project class are updated
v1.0.2 not ready for deprecations in Pharo 9
Update BaselineOfTostSerializer
Update repository version of dionisiydk/StateSpecs and pharo-ide/ObjectTravel
Tonel Migration
v1.0.0 update readme
Bitmap serialization as a compressed byte array
There was incomplete implementation of Bitmap transport:
Bitmap is a whole object without references and it must implement specific serialization methods.
Bitmap provides suitable methods to compression/decompression to/from bytearray. So it was simplest way to get bytes for serialization.
ObjectTravel and StateSpecs are updated
v0.2.3 ObjectTravel and StateSpecs are updated
it is major stable version 0.2
v0.2.x moved from smalltalkhub
moved from smalltalkhub
CompiledMethod, BlockClosure and Context format is changed to be compatible between 32 and 64 bits images. They now write wordSize of current image and fix it on destination.
Post processing actions are implemented for materialization. Users can command it by:
whenInstanceReady: anObject do: [ anObject doSomethingAfterMaterialization ].
HashedCollecitons performs rehashing when totally materialized