Releases: pharo-ide/ReadWriteLock
Releases · pharo-ide/ReadWriteLock
Pharo 10 compatibility
It fixes the reflective code for the lock flag variable updating to be Pharo 10 compatible.
Fixed to Pharo 7/8/9 compatibility
ReadWriteLockTests >> testFailedReadShouldUnblockWrite
ReadWriteLockTests >> testFailedWriteShouldUnblockRead
- BlockClosure #ifError was deprecated on Pharo 9.
- I'm using "(BlockClosure canUnderstand: #onErrorDo:) ifTrue: ifFalse:" to keep compatibility.
ReadWriteLockTests >> testTerminatingReadWhichWaitingWriteAndAnotherRead
ReadWriteLockTests >> testTerminatingWriteWhichWaitingAnotherTwoWrites
By @MarcusDenker:
- When the process is terminating, it calls: #handleProcessTerminationOfWaitingContext:
- Due to the "full blocks" in Pharo9, "suspendedContext method" is not that method, but the method of the block (the "compiledBlock")
- So I change that to "suspendedContext home method pragmas do: "
- It was using "pragma keyword ", but that is old, it is "selector" now
Migration to Tonel
- migration to Tonel
- drop Pharo 6.0 support
Remove dependency to StateSpecs
Now assert: is used in tests instead of should
Fix for locked process termination logic
There was incorrect behaviour when read process locked by write was terminated.
Also this version includes better stable tests
moved from smalltalkhub
package named according convention