Uses and Chrome Driver to open online supermarket site and crawl for all product pages.
Written in Go, requires Go installation.
Run with go run cmd/cli/main.go
Depends on Chrome Driver which is included in the bin
folder. If it fails to run on a Mac, cd bin
and run xattr -d chromedriver
To install Chrome Driver onto your machine, get it from
Move it to: sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin
Allow Mac to run it by cd
'ing to /usr/local/bin
and running: xattr -d chromedriver
- Run in Docker.
- Once product pages gathered, save to file and re-use so we can skip the crawl stage next time we run.
- Refine product pages visited.
- Classify foods as UPF or non-UPF.
- Generate file like a CSV to save food classifications.
- Do more stores.
- Add unit tests.
- Add Makefile.