A Java-based REST API to convert unis of measurements specified in PANGAEA datasets into UCUM (https://ucum.org) conventions.
Start the service from command line (works directly from inside Maven):
$ mvn clean compile exec:java
The default port of the service is set to 8384 and listens on localhost ( only. Use the following url to convert a {unit} into ucum format:
To start it from a different host/port, pass -Dhost=...
and -Dport=...
If you want to make it available under a different context path (default is /
you can add something like -DcontextPath=/pucum
to startup parameters, so the
query URL gets:
An example of response returned by the service for the unit 'mg/ml'
"input": "mg/ml",
"status": "201_QUANTITY_FOUND",
"status_msg": "The quantities (UCUM and/or QUDT) are available.",
"ucum": "mg/ml",
"fullname": "(milligram) / (milliliter)",
"canonicalunit": "g.m-3",
"dimension": "M.L-3",
"qudt_quantity": [
"name": "Density",
"id": 43792
"ucum_quantity": null,
"verbosecanonicalunit": "mass · length<sup>-3</sup>"