nestjs-logging-interceptor 2.5.1
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor@2.5.1
Install via package.json:
"@algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor": "2.5.1"
About this version
A Nest interceptor to log the incoming/outgoing requests.
A simple NestJS interceptor catching request details and logging it using the built-in Logger class. It will use the default Logger implementation unless you pass your own to your Nest application.
npm install --save @algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor
Use the interceptor as a global interceptor (cf. refer to the last paragraph of this section for more details).
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { APP_INTERCEPTOR } from '@nestjs/core';
import { LoggingInterceptor } from '@algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor';
* Core module: This module sets the logging interceptor as a global interceptor
providers: [
useClass: LoggingInterceptor,
export class CoreModule {}
In the example above, the interceptor is provided by the CoreModule. It could be set on any module that your main module is using.
You can also manually pass an interceptor instance through a factory function. This will give the possibility to set a userPrefix
on the head of the default context message:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { APP_INTERCEPTOR } from '@nestjs/core';
import { LoggingInterceptor } from '@algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor';
* Core module: This module sets the logging interceptor as a global interceptor
providers: [
useFactory: () => new LoggingInterceptor({ userPrefix: 'ExampleApp'}),
export class CoreModule {}
The context message will be preprend by the provided userPrefix
[LoggingInterceptor - GET - /error] Incoming request - GET - /error
[ExampleApp - LoggingInterceptor - GET - /error] Incoming request - GET - /error
This interceptor logs:
- incoming request details
- outgoing response details
# Incoming request details
# info level
[Nest] 27080 - 04/06/2020, 10:11:54 AM [LoggingInterceptor - GET - /] Object:
"message": "LoggingInterceptor - GET - /",
"method": "GET",
"body": {},
"headers": {
"host": "localhost:3000",
"user-agent": "insomnia/7.1.1",
"authorization": "Bearer 1234",
"accept": "*/*"
- outgoing request details (info + (debug | warn | error))
# Success example
# Info level
[Nest] 27080 - 04/06/2020, 10:11:54 AM [LoggingInterceptor - 200 - GET - /] Object:
"message": "LoggingInterceptor - 200 - GET - /",
"body": "Hello World!"
# Warning example
# warn level
[Nest] 27080 - 04/06/2020, 10:12:44 AM [LoggingInterceptor - 400 - GET - /badrequest] Object:
"method": "GET",
"url": "/badrequest",
"error": {
"response": {
"statusCode": 400,
"message": "Bad Request"
"status": 400,
"message": "Bad Request"
"body": {},
"message": "LoggingInterceptor - 400 - GET - /badrequest"
# Error example
# error level
[Nest] 27080 - 04/06/2020, 10:12:17 AM [LoggingInterceptor - 500 - GET - /error] Object:
"method": "GET",
"url": "/error",
"body": {},
"message": "LoggingInterceptor - 500 - GET - /error"
Error: Internal Server Error
at AppController.error (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/dist/app.controller.js:25:15)
at /Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/@nestjs/core/router/router-execution-context.js:37:29
at InterceptorsConsumer.transformDeffered (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/@nestjs/core/interceptors/interceptors-consumer.js:30:28)
at /Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/@nestjs/core/interceptors/interceptors-consumer.js:14:48
at Observable._subscribe (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/rxjs/internal/observable/defer.js:10:21)
at Observable._trySubscribe (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/rxjs/internal/Observable.js:44:25)
at Observable.subscribe (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/rxjs/internal/Observable.js:30:22)
at Object.subscribeToResult (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/rxjs/internal/util/subscribeToResult.js:12:23)
at MergeMapSubscriber._innerSub (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/rxjs/internal/operators/mergeMap.js:82:53)
at MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (/Users/philippediep/Documents/workspace/algoan/examples/example-manager/node_modules/rxjs/internal/operators/mergeMap.js:76:14)
By default, the whole body of the request and of the response is logged. However, the payload may contain sensitive data you would like to hide in the logs. The Log
decorator provides masking options which allow to override the default properties logged for each endpoint. You just need to provide the path of the properties to mask for the request and/or the response. The corresponding values will be replaced by the placeholder ****
in the resulting log.
For example:
import { Log } from '@algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor'
import { Body, Controller } from '@nestjs/common';
export class UsersController {
mask: {
request: [
'lastName', // simple property
'maritalSituation', // object property
'', // nested property
'friends.lastName' // property of an array element
response: ['lastName'],
public createUser(@Body() payload: UserDto) {
// create and return the new user
If the endpoint is called with:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"maritalSituation": {
"status": "MARRIED",
"wife": { "firstName": "Jane", "lastName": "Doe" }
"contact": { "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+330102030405" },
"friends": [
{ "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Smith" },
{ "firstName": "Emma", "lastName": "Cole" }
The body in the logged request will be:
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "****",
"maritalSituation": "****",
"contact": { "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "****" },
"friends": [
{ "firstName": "James", "lastName": "****" },
{ "firstName": "Emma", "lastName": "****" }
If you want you to mask the whole body of the request/response, you can pass true
instead of the array containing the exhaustive list of properties.
In addition, other options can be set at the interceptor level:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { APP_INTERCEPTOR } from '@nestjs/core';
import { LoggingInterceptor } from '@algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor';
providers: [
useFactory: () =>
new LoggingInterceptor({
disableMasking: true, // Ignore masking options in the entire applications
maskingPlaceholder: 'hidden', // Replace the default placeholder '****' by a custom one
mask: {
requestHeader: {
password: true, // Mask the header 'password' in the request
authorization: (header: string | string[]) => {
... // Handle the header value to keep non sensitive data for instance
export class CoreModule {}
In this example, we are going to override the default Logger implementation with a Pino logger (refer to the this official NestJS documentation)
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CoreModule } from './core/core.module'; // the module importing the @algoan/nestjs-logging-interceptor
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { LoggerModule } from 'nestjs-pino';
imports: [LoggerModule.forRoot(), CoreModule],
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}
Then in the application bootstrap, set the Pino logger as the one to substitute to the default Logger.
import { NestFactory} from '@nestjs/core';
import { Logger } from "nestjs-pino";
import { MainModule } from './main.module';
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(MainModule,{
logger: false
await app.listen(3000);
The Pino logger will be set as the Logger implementation to use.
# With default Logger
[Nest] 84392 - 04/03/2020, 2:02:04 PM [RoutesResolver] AppController {}: +7ms
[Nest] 84392 - 04/03/2020, 2:02:04 PM [RouterExplorer] Mapped {, GET} route +3ms
[Nest] 84392 - 04/03/2020, 2:02:04 PM [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/badrequest, GET} route +0ms
[Nest] 84392 - 04/03/2020, 2:02:04 PM [RouterExplorer] Mapped {/error, GET} route +0ms
[Nest] 84392 - 04/03/2020, 2:02:04 PM [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +3ms
# With Pino Logger
{"level":30,"time":1585915251917,"pid":83826,"hostname":"computername.local","context":"RoutesResolver","msg":"AppController {}: true","v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1585915251919,"pid":83826,"hostname":"computername.local","context":"RouterExplorer","msg":"Mapped {, GET} route true","v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1585915251919,"pid":83826,"hostname":"computername.local","context":"RouterExplorer","msg":"Mapped {/badrequest, GET} route true","v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1585915251919,"pid":83826,"hostname":"computername.local","context":"RouterExplorer","msg":"Mapped {/error, GET} route true","v":1}
{"level":30,"time":1585915251921,"pid":83826,"hostname":"computername.local","context":"NestApplication","msg":"Nest application successfully started true","v":1}