H2GIS 1.1.0
H2GIS version 1.1.0 use H2 version 1.3.176
Change log
- Handle GeoJSON format
- Handle GPX format
- Handle KML format
- Fix DBFReader with more file encoding
- Fix CTS issues with mutable Geometry
- H2 Network functions
New Function list:
- GPXRead
- GeoJsonRead
- GeoJsonWrite
- KMLWrite
- ST_3DLength
- ST_AddPoint
- ST_AddZ
- ST_AsKml
- ST_BoundingCircle
- ST_ClosestCoordinate
- ST_ClosestPoint
- ST_CompactnessRatio
- ST_ConstrainedDelaunay
- ST_Covers
- ST_DWithin
- ST_Delaunay
- ST_Densify
- ST_Expand
- ST_Explode
- ST_Extent
- ST_Extrude
- ST_FurthestCoordinate
- ST_Holes
- ST_Interpolate3DLine
- ST_IsRectangle
- ST_IsValid
- ST_LocateAlong
- ST_MakeEllipse
- ST_MakeEnvelope
- ST_MakeGrid
- ST_MakeGridPoints
- ST_MakeLine
- ST_MakePoint
- ST_MinimumRectangle
- ST_MultiplyZ
- ST_Normalize
- ST_OctogonalEnvelope
- ST_Polygonize
- ST_PrecisionReducer
- ST_RemoveHoles
- ST_RemovePoint
- ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints
- ST_Reverse
- ST_Reverse3DLine
- ST_Rotate
- ST_Scale
- ST_Simplify
- ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology
- ST_Snap
- ST_Split
- ST_ToMultiLine
- ST_ToMultiPoint
- ST_ToMultiSegments
- ST_Translate
- ST_TriangleAspect
- ST_TriangleContouring
- ST_TriangleDirection
- ST_TriangleSlope
- ST_UpdateZ
- ST_XMax
- ST_XMin
- ST_YMax
- ST_YMin
- ST_ZMax
- ST_ZMin
- ST_ZUpdateLineExtremities
- ST_MinimumDiameter
- ST_RingBuffer
- ST_Force2D
- ST_Force3D
- ST_Azimuth
- ST_MakePolygon
- ST_IsValidReason
- ST_IsValidDetail
- ST_Accessibility
- ST_ConnectedComponents
- ST_Graph
- ST_GraphAnalysis
- ST_ShortestPath
- ST_ShortestPathLength