This is a hobby project to learn DQN reinforcement learning.
The implementation is quite standard DQN, including
- Simple feedforward network to approximate state-value function
- Replay memory
- Separate target network that is "smoothed" version of policy net
I'm planning to add some experimental features. Now there are few
- Option for ensemble learning
- Voting best action based on multiple models
- Finding most uncertain actions in exploration phase using multiple models
- Option for adding reward bonus based on (hashed) state count as exploration strategy
- Option to use priority based sampling from replay memory; priority defined by temporal difference error
- Grid world, 30 x 30
- One target and 15 obstacles
- Rewards:
- target: +10
- obstacle: -10
- otherwise: -0.01
- Robot starts from (0,0) and has 200 steps time to find target at (20, 20)
- Test done with for different methods:
- Standard
- Priority sampling, based on temporal difference errors
- Count based exploration
- Ensemble
- For each method, the run is repeated 20 times
- Each run is 1000 episodes
- Smoothed (running mean, 50 episodes) reward is calculated for each run
See details: src/samples/
Example run (method: priority sampling):
20 runs with standard DQN:
20 runs with priority sampling:
20 runs with count based exploration:
20 runs with ensemble:
Comparison of methods, average of 20 runs from each:
Prioritized Experience Replay
Tom Schaul, John Quan, Ioannis Antonoglou, David Silver
#Exploration: A Study of Count-Based Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Haoran Tang, Rein Houthooft, Davis Foote, Adam Stooke, Xi Chen, Yan Duan, John Schulman, Filip De Turck, Pieter Abbeel