Project Title - This is a road safety web application which will provide information about geographical conditions and alert user about the same. Description -
- The application will alert the user once he is in the vicinity of the black-spot while driving on the road and will warn him about the same.
- The application will provide real-time weather information of the region in which the user is driving and alert him if the weather is bad.
- The application will also give information about the geographical condition and warn the user whether there have been landslides in a particular region or any natural calamities as such. Along with this it will alert the driver about the sharp turns nearby while driving on the road and whether the road is large enough for the vehicle to drive through it safely.
- All the above features will have Voice assistance which will be helpful for the user while driving the vehicle.
- The application will also have an SOS feature which will help the user contact police, ambulance or near ones in case of emergency.
- The application also has an offline feature and can work also without internet connection.
- This would be a Web application and as a result could be implemented on both Android and IOS devices. Technology Stack - Front End - HTML, CSS, JavaScript Backend - Django, SQLite API - Mapbox