This repository allows to manipulate html tables in php
The project covers these concepts:
PHP 7.0 or higher.
Include repositroy in your project by adding it to your composer.json file.
composer require samoussa/phphtmltable
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table();
$table->setCaption("My table")
->addTr([1, "2", "tree"])
->addTr([4, "5", ["six",["style" => "color:red;"]]])
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table(["style" => "width:100%"]);
$tr = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\tr();
->addTr(["Jill", "Smith", "50"])
->addTr([new td("Eve"), new td("Jackson"), new td("94",["style" => "color:red;"])])
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table(["style" => "width:100%"]);
$tr = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\tr();
->addTh(["Telephone", ["colspan" => 2]]);
->addTr(["Bill Gates", 55577854, 55577855])
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table(["style" => "width:100%"]);
$table->addTr([new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('Telephone', ['rowspan' => 2]), 555778545]);
$tr = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\tr();
->addTd("Bill Gates");
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table(['class' => 'table table-striped']);
$table->addTr([1, "2", "tree"])
->addTr([4, "5", ["six", ["style" => "color:red;"]]])
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table();
$table->addTr(new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\tr(['ISBN', 'Title', 'Price']))
->addTr([3476896, 'My first HTML', "$53"])
->addTr([4, '5', "six"])
->addCol(new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\col(['span' => 2, 'style' => 'background-color:red']))
->addCol(new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\col(['style' => 'background-color:yellow']));
#A Special Style for One Table (Exemple twitter bootstrap) 4
$table = new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\table(["class" => "table"]);
$table->thead(['class' => 'thead-light'])
new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('#', ['scope' => "col"]),
new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('First', ['scope' => "col"]),
new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('Last', ['scope' => "col"]),
new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('Handle', ['scope' => "col"]),
->addTr([new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('1', ['scope' => "col"]), 'Mark', 'Otto', '@mdo'])
->addTr([new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('2', ['scope' => "col"]), 'Jacob', 'Thornton', '@fat'])
->addTr([new \Samoussa\PhpHtmlTable\th('3', ['scope' => "col"]), 'Larry', 'the Bird', '@twitter']);