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Depexts os distribution os family values

Marcello Seri edited this page Oct 29, 2024 · 7 revisions

os-distribution value is usually the value of ID in /etc/os-release os-family value is usually the first value of ID_LIKE in /etc/os-release


Distribution os-distribution os-family
Archlinux arch arch
Alpine alpine alpine
Ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu
Debian debian debian
Fedora fedora fedora
CentOS centos rhel
Oraclelinux ol fedora
OpenSUSE(leap) opensuse-leap suse
OpenSUSE(tumbleweed) opensuse-tumbleweed opensuse
Gentoo gentoo gentoo
Homebrew homebrew homebrew
Macports macports macports
FreeBSD freebsd bsd
OpenBSD openbsd bsd
NetBSD netbsd bsd

For linux distributions it is generally better to use the os-family value whenever possible to make distributions derived of those ones work out of the box (e.g. PopOS for Ubuntu and Manjaro for Archlinux).

In the case of CentOS/Fedora/Oraclelinux, using os-family can get really painful with the addition of the EPEL repository so just using os-distribution in this case is usually easier.

For macOS it is better to use both os = "macos" & os-distribution = "<distro>" to avoid the very unlikely case where a linux distribution starts calling itself homebrew in the future.

For BSDs it is better to just use os as the os-family value is not very helpful for depexts purpose.

Package names to populate depexts can be looked up in various websites, like and

Windows is a bit more complicated. Quoting from

The Cygwin part becomes very confusion here, as it's both an OS in its own right but also an os-distribution for native Windows.

  • os-family is windows for both native Windows and Cygwin (i.e. Sys.win32 || Sys.cygwinos-family = windows)
  • os is win32 for a native Windows build of opam (which includes OCaml for Windows).

For os-distribution, we then have:

Distribution os os-distribution os-family Notes
Native[^1] Windows win32 cygwin windows Depexts + Unix tools provided by Cygwin
Native Windows win32 msys2[^2] windows Depexts + Unix tools provided by MSYS2
Native Windows win32 cygwinports windows Legacy "OCaml for Windows" (opam 2.0.10 only)
Cygwin cygwin cygwin windows Cygwin's own opam distribution

[^1]: "Native" here refers to programs able to run outside of Cygwin/MSYS2, principally from the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell. [^2]: At the moment, this is "tier 2" from opam's perspective - Cygwin is the primary supported mechanism for 2.2.0, but we're paying a lot of attention to MSYS2 partly because that's what Diskuv uses now and also because we expect we'll likely switch to recommending it across the board in future.

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