Bash scripts can be use to build mpeg-pcc-tmc2 project:
- build solutions.
- clear solututions ( ./ all: to clear dependencies)
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8
- md build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 8
According to the CMake options defined in the CMakeLists.txt, the TMC2 required some external dependencies to work:
- USE_JMAPP_VIDEO_CODEC: use JM software to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parameters must be set equal to 0 and the videoEncoderOccupancyPath, videoEncoderGeometryPath and videoEncoderAttributePath but be set the JM applications)
- USE_HMAPP_VIDEO_CODEC: use HM software to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parametesr must be set equal to 1 and the videoEncoderOccupancyPath, videoEncoderGeometryPath and videoEncoderAttributePath but be set the JM applications)
- USE_JMLIB_VIDEO_CODEC: use JM library to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parameter must be set equal to 2)
- USE_HMLIB_VIDEO_CODEC: use HM library to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parameter must be set equal to 3)
- USE_VTMLIB_VIDEO_CODEC: use VTM library to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parameter must be set equal to 4)
- USE_FFMPEG_VIDEO_CODEC: use FFMPEG library to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parameter must be set equal to 5). This mode is only available in the FFMPEG branch.
- USE_SHMAPP_VIDEO_CODEC: use SHM software to encoder and decoder videos (codecId parametesr must be set equal to 6, the videoEncoderGeometryPath and videoEncoderAttributePath using the SHM application, and the videoEncoderOccupancyPath using the HM application)
- USE_HDRTOOLS: use HDRTools to convert the raw video files.
The video encoder softwares and libraries can be found in the corresponding repositories:
- JM:
- HM:
- VTM:
- SHM:
Some changes have been made on these libraries to allow to use the three libraries at the same time and to increase the codec efficiencies for the V3C contents. the three codecs must be patch with the files:
- JM: dependencies/jm-modification/PCC_JM.patch
- HM: dependencies/hm-modification/pcc_me-ext_and_namespace_for_HM-16.20+SCM-8.8.patch
- VTM: dependencies/vtm-modification/adaptions_for_vtm_11_2.patch
By default according the the CMake options, the dependencies are cloned and patched by the cmake process.
The external dependencies could be downloaded, built and linked independenly:
git clone checkout dependencies/jm19.0_lib cd dependencies/jm19.0_lib git patch ../jm-modification/PCC_JM.patch
git clone checkout dependencies/HM-16.20+SCM-8.8 cd dependencies/HM-16.20+SCM-8.8 git patch ../hm-modification/pcc_me-ext_and_namespace_for_HM-16.20+SCM-8.8.patch
git clone checkout dependencies/VTM-11.2
cd dependencies/VTM-11.2 git patch ../vtm-modification/adaptions_for_vtm_11_2.patch -
git clone -b 0.17-dev dependencies/HDRTools
The pointcloud metrics can be computed inside the TM2 encoder and decoder according to the input parameters:
- computeMetrics: Compute metrics
- uncompressedDataPath: Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame sequences may be represented by %04i
- normalDataPath: Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame sequences may be represented by %04i
- resolution: Specify the intrinsic resolution
- dropdups: 0(detect), 1(drop), 2(average) subsequent points with same coordinates
- neighborsProc: 0(undefined), 1(average), 2(weighted average), 3(min), 4(max) neighbors with same geometric distance
The computations of the metrics are the same than the distances computed with the pcc_distortion software that can be found in:
Configuration files are provided in the cfg directory to aid configuring the encoder. The general pattern of usage is illustrated below, where multiple configuration files control different aspects of the test conditions.
NB: parameters set in one configuration file override the same parameter in earlier files. ie. order matters.
Further help text describing option usage is available using "./bin/PccAppEncoder --help" or "./bin/PccAppDecoder --help".
./bin/PccAppEncoder \
--configurationFolder=cfg/ \
--config=cfg/common/ctc-common.cfg \
--config=cfg/condition/ctc-all-intra.cfg \
--config=cfg/sequence/longdress_vox10.cfg \
--config=cfg/rate/ctc-r3.cfg \
--uncompressedDataFolder=~/mpeg_datasets/CfP/datasets/Dynamic_Objects/People/ \
--frameCount=1 \
--videoEncoderPath=../external/HM-16.16/bin/TAppEncoderStatic \
--colorSpaceConversionPath=../external/HDRTools/bin/HDRConvert \
--reconstructedDataPath=S26C03R03_rec_%04d.ply \
./bin/PccAppDecoder \
--compressedStreamPath=S26C03R03.bin \
--videoDecoderPath=../external/HM-16.16/bin/TAppDecoderStatic \
--colorSpaceConversionPath=../external/HDRTools/bin/HDRConvert \
--inverseColorSpaceConversionConfig=cfg/hdrconvert/yuv420torgb444.cfg \
More examples of running could be found in ./test/
These examples can be start based on your system with the following scripts:
- ./test/
- ./test/runme_windows.bat
- ./test/
The V3C common test condition (CTC) command lines could be found in ./test/
The SHVC software used in the program can be obtained from the link below.
The additional Enhanced Layer will be used by SHVC codec according to the number of entries entered in the SHVCLayer in the encoder. SHVCRateX and SHVCRateY refer to the width and height resolution reduction rate of 2D images of additional layers. The decoder uses the video corresponding to the layer entered into the SHVCLayerID. LID 0 has the lowest density, and if 3 layers are used, LID 2 has the same density as V-PCC TMC2 output. Occupancy Map video encode/decode using same version of HM encooder/decoder.
./bin/PccAppEncoder \
--configurationFolder=cfg/ \
--config=cfg/common/ctc-common.cfg \
--config=cfg/condition/ctc-random-access-svc-3L.cfg \
--config=cfg/sequence/longdress_vox10.cfg \
--config=cfg/rate/ctc-r3.cfg \
--uncompressedDataFolder=~/mpeg_datasets/CfP/datasets/Dynamic_Objects/People/ \
--frameCount=1 \
--videoEncoderGeometryPath=..\bin\win\TAppEncoder.exe \
--videoEncoderAttributePath=..\bin\win\TAppEncoder.exe \
--videoEncoderOccupancyPath=..\bin\win\occupancy\TAppEncoder.exe \
--colorSpaceConversionPath=../external/HDRTools/bin/HDRConvert \
--reconstructedDataPath=S26C03R03_rec_%04d.ply \
--compressedStreamPath=S26C03R03.bin \
--SHVCLayer=2 \
--SHVCRateX=2 \
./bin/PccAppDecoder \
--compressedStreamPath=S26C03R03.bin \
--videoDecoderGeometryPath=..\bin\win\TAppDecoder.exe \
--videoDecoderAttributePath=..\bin\win\TAppDecoder.exe \
--videoDecoderOccupancyPath=..\bin\win\occupancy\TAppDecoder.exe \
--colorSpaceConversionPath=../external/HDRTools/bin/HDRConvert \
--inverseColorSpaceConversionConfig=cfg/hdrconvert/yuv420torgb444.cfg \
--reconstructedDataPath=S26C03R03_dec_%04d.ply \
More informations could be found in the user manuel.
Don't hesitate to contact me for any information:
- Julien Ricard - MPEG-3DG-VPCC software coordinator ([email protected]).