- iOS 12.0+ (v1.3.0 or more) iOS 10.0+ (less than v1.3.0)
- Xcode 11.0+
- Swift 5.1+
NUGU SDK for iOS is composed of following Libraries
- NuguCore - Main Framework of NUGU SDK, which has implementation of core functions such as network management, data transmission, media control, etc
- NuguAgents - The Framework which includes built-in capability-agents.
- NuguClientKit - The Framework for initializing essential components and inject dependency between components to use NUGU SDK
- NuguLoginKit - The Framework for user authentication with OAuth2.0
- NuguUIKit - The Framework for user interface components
- NuguServiceKit - The Framework provides customized webview for NUGU service
We have sample application in nugu-ios.xcodeproj
To use it download or clone this repository, and run carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS
to install required frameworks.
Open nugu-ios.xcodeproj
and you can run it through SampleApp
Unfortunately, we still have some step to use sample application. For more information, See the How to use sample application.
Each components of NUGU SDK for iOS
is available through CocoaPods.
To install it for easy use, simply add the following line to your Podfile
pod 'NuguClientKit'
NUGU SDK for iOS is available through Carthage.
To install it, add the following line to your Cartfile
github "nugu-developers/nugu-ios"
Then run carthage update --platform iOS
If your application is first time adopting carthage, you'll need to set additional steps.
For more information, See the Carthage for Application
Using NUGU SDK for iOS
is easy after some setup.
Here are some basic examples for some capability-agent.
Before using NUGU SDK for iOS
, enable to nugu when using NuguClientKit. like this:
class SomeClass: NuguClientDelegate {
let client = NuguClient(delegate: self)
client.asrAgent.startRecognition(initiator: .user)
For more information, See the How to use NUGU SDK for iOS
The contents of this repository is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.
Please visit Nugu Developers Guide page