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Inventarisatie KOOP componenten
Robbert edited this page Aug 2, 2024
4 revisions
- Accordion = Accordion
- Actieblok = ?
- Address = Address
- A-Z lijst = Index character navigation
- Alert = not quite de Alert van NL Design System. Het is meer een banner, zoals Preview Alert
- Artikel hoofd = uniek!
- Banner = ?
- Bar = ?
- Beeldelement = ?
- Blok = Card?
- Blokken = Card layout?
- Blok indent = ?
- Blok inhoud = ?
- Blok search = TODO: Search form
- Blockquote = Blockquote
Button = Button
- Button text = Button that looks like a link
Button text inline = Button that looks like a link
<ButtonLink inline />
- Button bar = ?
- Button switch = TODO: Toggle button group + pressed button
- Card = Card
- Characteristic = Data badge?
- Code = Code
- Collapsible = TODO: Details?
- Kleuren = Color sample + text?
- Data overview = Summary list
- Definition list = Description list
- del-ins = TODO
- Document banner = ?
- Facet = Form field radio group option + Number badge + TODO: layout?
- Facet link group = ?
- Figure = Figure
- Filter bar = ?
- Footnote = TODO
- Heading
- Footnote = ?
- Highlight = Mark
- Hoe blok = ?
- Gerelateerd blok
- Footer = - Page footer + Column layout + Link list
- Identity = ? — gerelateerd aan Avatar misschien?
- Jumbotron = ?
- Label = Data badge
Link = Link
Externe link = TODO: Externe link of
<Link external>text <Icon/></Link>
Externe link = TODO: Externe link of
- Lijsten
- Default lijst = Unordered list
- Ordered = Ordered list
- Unstyled = ?
- Inline = ?
- Linklist = Link list
- Facetlijst = ?
- Alfabet = Index character navigation
- Relatielijst = ?
- Wettenlijst = ?
- Wettenlijst unordered = ?
Legenda = TODO:
+ Color sample - Lower alpha = ?
- Lower roman = ?
- Upper alpha = ?
- Upper roman = ?
- Custom = uniek! TODO
- Ol container = ?
- Actielist = Actions
- Themas = ?
- Tabs = TODO: Tabs navigation
Icoons = Link list met custom icon:
- Check = Task list
- Loader = Spinner
- Logo = Logo
- Modal = Modal dialog
- Modal sidebar = Drawer
- Sidebar = Side navigation
- Navigatie chapter = TODO
- Notification = TODO
- Open Layers = ?
- Page actions = ?
- Pagination = Pagination
- Picture = TODO. Waarschijnlijk variant op Image
- Pre = Code block
- Profiel knop = ?
- Reacties = ?
- Relevances = ?
- Resultlist = ?
- Selectfilterbar = ?
- Skiplinks = Skip link
- Pagina sorteren = ?
- Bronlijst = ?
- Stappen = ?
- Sub = ?
- Sup = ?
- Tabel = Table
- Tabel container = Table that shows in dialog
- Tabs = Tabs
- Tekst = Paragraph + ins + del + Emphasis + Strong + Mark + Muted ? + Link
- Themablok = ?
- Themalijst = ?
- Toolbar = TODO: Toolbar - in ontwikkeling bij Utrecht en in Figma
- Topbar = Navigation bar
- Treeview = TODO
- Video = Video
- Well = Spotlight section?
Formulier componenten:
- Date selection = Form field + Select?
- Date picker
- Default = Date picker
- Range = twee date inputs? Misschien is met Fieldset beter eigenlijk?
- Custom years = variant op date input. Misschien goed idee om te opperen in de GitHub Discussion over Date Picker.
- Today = TODO
- Actieve filter = TODO: Date badge as a button
- Input autocomplete = Combobox
- Input checkbox = Form field checkbox option
- Input file = File input
- Input group = Switch?
Input Inputsubmit = Button met
- Input radio = Radio group
- Input text = Text input
- Verwijder element = ?
- Select = Select
- Select custom = Select
- Select multi = TODO
- Geselecteerde filters = Heading + Badge list + Data badge + Action group + Link
- Subselection = Data badge + Subtle button + Dialog + Checkbox group + Radio group + Action group + Button
- Textarea = Textarea
- Timepicker = TODO
- Tooltip = discouraged
Pagina componenten:
- Breadcrumb = Breadcrumb navigation
- Columns = Grid?
- Container = ?
- Disclaimer = Spotlight section + Small print paragraph?
- Footer = Page footer + Column layout + Link list
- Header = Page header + Logo + Navigation bar
- Prefooter = Page footer + Column layout?
- Row component = Heading group + Pre-heading
- Row heading = "Inline" heading group
- Sticky sidebar = TODO
- Verschilmarkering switcher = ?