Worms Armageddon WormKit module that appends worm order numbers to their names and allows randomizing the worm order within the team in multiplayer games.
Usage of this module should be discussed with other players beforehand.
- To enable displaying order of your worms, use /order my command in game chat.
- To enable displaying order of all worms, use /order all command in game chat.
- During replay playback all worms have their numbers displayed.
- The displayed worm name format is customizable in .ini with {name} and {number} tags.
- In multiplayer games the worm order within your team can be scrambled. The order is scrambled every time you add the team to the round roster. To enable this feature set: ScrambleWormOrder = 1
- Team name bars can have their owner name displayed. The displayed format is customizable with {name} (team name), {owner} (owner nickname), {hp} (sum of HP of all worms within the team) and {wins} (number of team wins in match) tags. To enable this feature set: TeamNameShowOwner = 1 or use /owner command in game chat.