Functions to calculate IPPT scores
- Get scores for statics and run
- Get reps needed for the next point
- Calculate entire IPPT score and get award
- TypeScript
- Tests
- Support female IPPT score
npm install ippt-utils
import { getAgeGroup, getPushupScore, getSitupScore, getRunScore } from 'ippt-utils';
// Or
const { getAgeGroup, getPushupScore, getSitupScore, getRunScore } = require('ippt-utils');
const age = 22;
const ageGroup = getAgeGroup(age);
// => 2 (a 22-year old man is in the age group 2)
const pushupsDone = 31;
const pushupScore = getPushupScore(ageGroup, pushupsDone);
// => [17, 3] (for pushups, he got a score of 17
// and he needs to do three more pushup to get the next point)
const situpsDone = 37;
const situpScore = getSitupScore(ageGroup, situpsDone);
// => [19, 2] (for situps, he got a score of 19
// and he needs to do two more situps to get the next point)
// 10 min, 10 seconds
const runTime = 10 * 60 + 10; // in seconds
const runScore = getRunScore(ageGroup, runTime);
// => [40, 20] (score of 40 for run
// and he needs to reduce his time by 20 seconds for next point)
// Note that run times round up to the nearest 10 seconds, so a
// run time of 10 min 1 second is the same as 10 min 10 seconds
All of this can also be done in a single function:
import { getAgeGroup, getIpptScore } from 'ippt-utils';
const age = 22;
const ageGroup = getAgeGroup(age); // age group 2
const pushupsDone = 31;
const situpsDone = 37;
const runTime = 10 * 60 + 10; // 10 min, 10 seconds
const result = getIpptScore(ageGroup, pushupsDone, situpsDone, runTime);
pushups: {
score: 17,
next: 3 <-- 3 pushups more = 1 more point
situps: {
score: 19,
next: 2
run: {
score: 40,
next: 20
score: 76,
ageGroup: 2,
award: {
name: 'Silver',
cash: 300,
minScore: 75
// => 76;
// => 'Silver'
All score tables are from New IPPT Format And Scoring System For The Home Team.
The pushups and situps score table are in the same structure of an array of arrays.
- It is an array of score lists. The first array is the score list of age group 1, the second is for age group 2, and so on.
- The score lists have scores. The index of each element is the number of reps. At age group 14 (the last one), doing 3 pushups gives a score of 2.
// scoreTable is the entire array of arrays as described above
// ageGroup is the age group found from the getAgeGroup method
// reps is the number of pushups or situps
const scoreList = scoreTable[ageGroup - 1];
const score = scoreList[reps - 1];
// Remember that array indexes start with 0
If the reps are over 60, the score stays at 25.
There is a run score table, and array of arrays, and a run times array.
- Similar to statics, it's an array of score lists. The first array is the score list of age group 1, and so on.
- The score lists have scores corresponding to each timing in runTimes.
- The run times have their own separate array of seconds.
secs is the run time in seconds, for example 1090 seconds
- it must be a multiple of 10
- it must not be more than runTimes[0] or less than the last element of runTimes
const secs = 1090;
// pos is the position of secs in runTimes
const pos = runTimes.indexOf(secs); // 1
// Now using pos, we can get the score from the score table
const scoreList = runningScoreTable[ageGroup - 1];
const score = scoreList[pos];
If the run is faster than 8 minutes, 30 seconds, the score is still 50.
Age and stat | Score table | MINDEF website |
20 years, 9:10 run | 44 points | 46 points |
40 years, 45 pushups | 22 points | 23 points |
See #1.
Clone or fork the repository, then run
npm install
# to runs tests
npm run test -s
# format with prettier
npm run format
# build (convert to JavaScript)
npm run build
Format and ensure tests pass before pushing.