Neural Network for recognizing ASL alphabet.
Training Mode:
Train a model with the asl_dataset, the batch size and where you would like the model stored.
Dataset Link:
Note: If you are not using the asl_alphabet_resized dataset, you may need to make modifications for the network to train on your data.
python /path/to/dataset_dir batch_size /path/to/model.h5
Test Mode (Fast Forward):
Use a trained model to make predictions on a folder of images. Difference here is that the first argument is now just a folder of images rather than a folder with a train, val, and test directory for training. Another difference here is the extra argument, which is a path to a pdf (existing or not) for saving the outputted prediction report.
python /path/to/images_dir bacth_size /path/to/model.h5 /path/to/PDF_output.pdf