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CIP to transform properties extracted from parsed documents


The purpose of this CIP is to process an incoming parsed document by transforming the properties before publishing the enriched document for further processing by other CIPs.

ciao-docs-transformer is built on top of Apache Camel and Spring Framework, and can be run as a stand-alone Java application, or via Docker.

Each application can host multiple routes, where each route follows the following basic structure:

input queue (JMS) -> DocumentTransformer -> output queue (JMS)

  • The input and output queues both use the JSON-encoded representation of ParsedDocument.
  • DocumentTransformer uses a delegate PropertiesTransformation instance to transform the incoming document.getProperties() map.

The details of the JMS queues and document transformers are specified at runtime through a combination of ciao-configuration properties and Spring XML files.

Provided properties transformations:

For more advanced usages, custom transformations can be integrated by implementing the PropertiesTransformation Java interface and providing a suitable spring XML configuration on the classpath.

Property Selectors:

The provided properties transformations use PropertyName to identify source and target properties.

Property names support addressing nested properties by key and index:

  • nested keys: root.child
  • nested arrays: root[0]

Names can be combined: root.child[2].name.firstName.

Special characters [ ] . * \ must be delimited by a \ prefix:

  • D\.O\.B
  • first\\last


For further details of how ciao-configuration and Spring XML interact, please see ciao-core.

Spring XML

On application start-up, a series of Spring Framework XML files are used to construct the core application objects. The created objects include the main Camel context, input/output components, routes and any intermediate processors.

The configuration is split into multiple XML files, each covering a separate area of the application. These files are selectively included at runtime via CIAO properties, allowing alternative technologies and/or implementations to be chosen. Each imported XML file can support a different set of CIAO properties.

The Spring XML files are loaded from the classpath under the META-INF/spring package.


  • beans.xml - The main configuration responsible for initialising properties, importing additional resources and starting Camel.


  • processors/default.xml - Creates the following DocumentTransformer instances: kingsWordDischargeNotificationTransformer and kentEDNTransformer


  • messaging/activemq.xml - Configures ActiveMQ as the JMS implementation for input/output queues.
  • messaging/activemq-embedded.xml - Configures an internal embedded ActiveMQ as the JMS implementation for input/output queues. (For use during development/testing)

CIAO Properties

At runtime ciao-docs-transformer uses the available CIAO properties to determine which Spring XML files to load, which Camel routes to create, and how individual routes and components should be wired.

Camel Logging:

Spring Configuration:

  • processorConfig - Selects which processor configuration to load: processors/${processorConfig}.xml

  • messagingConfig - Selects which messaging configuration to load: messaging/${messagingConfig}.xml


  • documentTransformerRoutes - A comma separated list of route names to build

The list of route names serves two purposes. Firstly it determines how many routes to build, and secondly each name is used as a prefix to specify the individual properties of that route.

Route Configuration:

For 'specific' properties unique to a single route, use the prefix: documentTransformerRoutes.${routeName}.

For 'generic' properties covering all routes, use the prefix: documentTransformerRoutes.

  • inputQueue - Selects which queue to consume incoming documents from
  • transformerId - The Spring ID of the transformer to use when enriching documents
  • outputQueue - Selects which queue to publish enriched documents to

In-progress Folder:

Details of the in-progress folder structure are available in the ciao-docs-finalizer state machine documentation.

ciao-docs-parser provides the InProgressFolderManagerRoute class to support storing control and event files in the in-progress directory.

  • inProgressFolder - Defines the root folder that document upload process events are written to.


# Camel logging

# Select which processor config to use (via dynamic spring imports)

# Select which messaging config to use (via dynamic spring imports)
# messagingConfig=activemq-embedded

# ActiveMQ settings (if messagingConfig=activemq)

# Setup route names (and how many routes to build)

# Setup 'shared' properties across all-routes

# Setup per-route properties (can override the shared properties)


# Global properties

Building and Running

To pull down the code, run:

git clone

You can then compile the module via:

mvn clean install -P bin-archive

This will compile a number of related modules - the main CIP module is ciao-docs-transformer, and the full binary archive (with dependencies) can be found at target\ciao-docs-transformer-{version} To run the CIP, unpack this zip to a directory of your choosing and follow the instructions in the README.txt.

The CIP requires access to various file system directories and network ports (dependent on the selected configuration):


  • Connects to: localhost:2379


  • Connects to: localhost:61616


  • If etcd is not available, CIAO properties will be loaded from: ~/.ciao/
  • The default configuration will load JSON files for the filesystem if any file:// URLs are specified in the json.resourcePaths or json.resourcePath properties. This can be altered by changing the CIAO properties configuration (via etcd, or the properties file in ~/.ciao/)
  • If an incoming document cannot be converted, the CIP will write an event to the folder specified by the inProgressFolder property.


CIP to transform properties extracted from parsed documents







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